EMS Station 17 Relocation

Feb 27, 2015
A water main break and subsequent sink hole in front of EMS Station 17 has forced the relocation of their units. The BLS are being relocated to EMS Station 18 (former BTRG quarters) and the ALS to EMS Station 55.
A water main break and subsequent sink hole in front of EMS Station 17 has forced the relocation of their units. The BLS are being relocated to EMS Station 18 (former BTRG quarters) and the ALS to EMS Station 55.
Can’t believe the building is still in use. I guess the plan to build a new 17 on the land next to 92&44 on Morris Avenue is no longer the plan.
Can’t believe the building is still in use. I guess the plan to build a new 17 on the land next to 92&44 on Morris Avenue is no longer the plan.
It is still the plan, they actually started work on it.
Lebby where did BTRG go too? Is there still other units next door to R3?
Lebby where did BTRG go too? Is there still other units next door to R3?
BTRG was disbanded and it's units assigned to other local stations. Station 18 who shared quarters with them, are still located there.
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