May 6, 2010
On 2-3-23 ....WTC RELATED......FF & LT ENG*88 ....RET after 32 yrs OTJ....REST IN PEACE BROTHER.....THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE BOTH MILITARY (US ARMY) & FDNY....PRAYERS FOR THE COMFORT OF THE FAMILIES.....Joe was a familiar face both at UNION Meetings & around Bayside.....2 of his 3 Sons are Chiefs OTJ.
FDNY Family Assistance Unit is at New York City Fire Department (FDNY). · New York, NY ·
It is with deep regret the department announces the WTC death of retired Lieutenant Joseph Brosi, Engine Company 88, who succumbed to his WTC related illness on Friday, February 3, 2023. Lieutenant Brosi served our great department for 32 years. He also served our nation as a member of the Army. He is survived by his three sons: Battalion Chief Joseph Brosi, Jr. , Deputy Chief James Brosi and Jeffrey Brosi; as well as several extended family and friends.
Visitation: Monday, February 06, 2023
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Martin A. Gleason Funeral Home L.L.C
10-25 150th St.,
Whitestone, NY 11357
Visitation: Tuesday, February 07, 2023
2:00pm - 4:00pm
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Martin A. Gleason Funeral Home L.L.C
10-25 150th St.,
Whitestone, NY 11357
Mass of Christian Burial:
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Church
34-24 203rd St.
Queens, NY 11361
Internment immediately following
Woodlawn Cemetery • Crematory • Conservancy
4199 Webster Ave,
The Bronx, NY 10470
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations in memory of Lieutenant Joseph Brosi be directed to:
FDNY Fired Up for a Cure
Donations can be mailed to:
The FDNY Foundation - Fired Up for a Cure
9 MetroTech Center, 8S-01K
Brooklyn, NY 11201
To make an online contribution, please visit
Click on: DONATE today & select
Fired Up for A Cure/Family Assistance Unit - from the drop-down menu.
May his memory be a blessing and May his soul rest in eternal peace.
#RememberHonorTeach #SayTheirNames #gonebutnevereverforgotten #BeTheirWitness #CANCERSUCKS #300andcounting #firstrespondersareheroes #gonetoosoon #WeRemember #neverforget
Rest In Peace Joe, was a pleasure to know you and work with you on Belmont Ave. A terrific mentor to all who worked with him, always a pleasure to see him when working nothing rattled him.🙏🙏
Joe Brosi Sr. is a fellow I have known thru the years both OTJ & off around Bayside....he was the Company UFA Delegate as a FF who also later became a LT back in his Company ENG*88 & also as a LT he was very Active at UFOA Meetings & has 2 Sons OTJ who are Chiefs...... awhile back on EBAY i saw an odd old FDNY Badge it was the standard FDNY Maltese Cross but in the center where a normal Badge Number would be it had a double number & encircling it were the words "PROBATIONARY FIREMAN"...i had not seen one before & thought either it was a fake or maybe they had been used by proby's while in school "way back when".....i posted the EBAY ad on a few FD related sites including here to see if anyone had some history on it....a RET poster on here "Los Bombero" who i had never met personally sent me a PM on The Rant & told me that he had no history on what they were but he did have one that someone gave him but it had a different number in the center than the one in the ad....he then told me he would give it to me for free....i did not really want to accept it.....but then i asked him what number it was & he said the number was 88....(you know where this is going) .....i told him i knew a well respected BROTHER who had been a longtime FF & LT in ENG*88 & i could give it to him .....he mailed it to turned out soon after i received it we were having a get together at Maggie Mays (well over a hundred people) for the Retirement of 1st Deputy Commissioner Bob Turner (my friend & best mutual partner ever ) & i knew Joe & at least one of his Sons were coming so i brought it there ....Joe Sr. did not know ....after Bob gave a little Thank You speech i took the floor & explained (to those that could hear since the sound system had failed) about the existence of at least 2 of these proby badges that i knew of & that someone had given me one...Joe Sr.was sitting there listening but not knowing about it & then i said the one that had been given to me was now being given to Joe Sr..... he did not get why until i said the number was 88.....needless to say he was very excited to have it.

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The sun is shining bright today as Heaven gained another Angel. Our Dad passed this morning comfortably and quietly in his sleep. While it is almost impossible to think what a day without him will be like, a peaceful passing is what we wanted for him. Every night we told Dad, if you see Patti and she is reaching out, you run like hell towards her and don't look back.... we are OK and we'll be OK because you showed us the way. Comfort comes from knowing that he is in a better place, amongst the Angels, and in the arms of our Mom. Dad was 78 years old and he was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer almost 8 years ago. He lost Mom, his wife of 50 years, two months later. He bravely continued to fight 4 separate cancer diagnosis and he did it without ever losing his positivity and his smile. A friend mentioned, "your Dad believed that a good example was the best sermon" and another said "every minute that I spent with him made me a better man". I don't think there is a better way to sum him up. He showed us the way our whole lives and he will surely guide us through this difficult time. May he enjoy eternal peace and rest. He earned it.
^^^ Same style Proby Badge as presented to Joe ...(different number).

^^^ Same style Proby Badge as presented to Joe ...(different number).

Had the pleasure of working with Joe. He was the ECC of my groups with Capt. Tough Timmy Gallagher, I was his b/u ECC whenever he had to do UFA errands and go on vacation. He was one of the very few who returned to his home company after promotion as a boss. Many years later after I left E 88 I ran into Joe at a racket. Got to talking to him, told him I was studying for LT, he told me there and then, if I get promoted, I have a spot at E 88. Loved Joe, chain smoker, smooth talker, always positive. A huge mentor in my life. Photo (1986ish), me with another legendary character DO'C.
