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  1. rdm258

    This is Why Freelancing and Venting Don't Mix

    Fire Fighter Freelanced Ventilation Wait to 3:30 into video. This is why COMMUNICATION is so important
  2. rdm258

    2/3/11 -- Great Structure Fire Video before FD Arrival

    This house goes quick....
  3. rdm258

    2/2/11 -- Haz-Mat/All Hands Box 4596

    Location: Veterans Rd/Tyrellan Ave Eng 151 Reporting a very large, possible gasoline spill in the parking lot of the Target and Home Depot. Batt 23 Transmitted a 10-80 Code 1 --  Eng 165 with Foam Units,Haz-Mat 1,HM Batt enroute Time: 1025 HRS Time: 1049 HRS    Div 8 the I/C  using All Hands --...
  4. rdm258

    FDNY MERV 1 and LSU -- Running HOT!!

    MERV 1 is "moving" in Times Square... FDNY MERV 1 on west 43rd street - Tuesday, april 6, 2010, 05:15 PM
  5. rdm258

    SQ 18 bucking traffic!!

    Awesome video of SQ 18 and there Haz-Tec truck responding the wrong way in Manhattan. FDNY - Squad Co 18 - Rescue 1
  6. rdm258

    1/22/11 -- All Hands/Box 7572

    Location: 21 St/20th Ave Batt 49 requesting a Purple K Unit for a Fire in a Con-ED sub station. using All Hands Time: 0708 hrs Time: 0852 hrs Incident was Placed Under Control
  7. rdm258

    Some Historical info on FDNY Marine Companies

    Great info to all, thank you.
  8. rdm258

    1/19/11 -- Box 1350/Unusual Incident

    Location: 393 Court St Car 7 and Div 11 are working a very large Water Main Break, water pressure in area very low=Satellite Unit to be added on all reported bldg fires. 1449 hrs:  SOC Dewatering Unit Requested  OEM/DEP Requested
  9. rdm258


    RIP, sleep well brother.
  10. rdm258

    Queens Manhole Explosion Caught on Tape

    Manhole Fire Explosion
  11. rdm258

    11/27/10 -- Huntington,WV --Second Alarm

    Location: 430 5th Ave Heavy Fire in a 2sty p/d, possible people trapped. Units o/s: E1,E2,E4,E10,R11,T1,T2,Div 1 Time: 1405 hrs
  12. rdm258

    October 26, 1962 5-5-5-5 Box 7027 - Queens

    Chief your absolutely correct. R.I.P. That is the one amazing thing about the Fire Dept that no other industry has -- TRADITION -- so deep rooted and the fact that we don't let ourselves forget fallen comrades.
  13. rdm258

    10/26/10 -- Second Alarm/Box 1628

    Location: E94 St/Rutland Rd Div 15 had a Fire in a 2 sty Church. Time: 0450 hrs
  14. rdm258

    10/21/10 -- L150 inv in a MVA with Injuries/Box 8632

    L150 was involved in a MVA this morning location: 115 Ave/165 St Total 7 injuries -- 6 FF's Minor and 1 Civ Minor Time: 1007 hrs
  15. rdm258

    10/17/10 -- Man Under Train/Box 7842

    Location: Roosevelt Ave/82 St FD/ESU Confirming person pinned under the #7 Line Time: 1056 hrs Time: 1106 hrs Batt 26 Confirming 1 DOA -- ESU to walk along track to check for additional "parts"
  16. rdm258

    Lest we forget - Box 598 October 17, 1966

    RIP Brother's, more info:
  17. rdm258

    10/16/10 -- Jersey City,NJ Third Alarm Junkyard Fire

    Late last night JCFD and other Dept's operated at a large junkyard fire on Linden Ave East -- The Building Tire Recycling Plant-- has resulted in Multiple calls into FDNY from Brooklyn and Queens reporting smoke and odor of smoke.  JCFD Marine 1 in service at this one. Around 2300 hrs...
  18. rdm258

    10/17/10 -- Large Multi Agency Drill/Box 7138

    There will a large multi agency drill at 0930 hrs, today. Location: The Citi Corp Bldg --   47th Ave/Van Dam St Multi agencies will be involved. Batt 45 the first arriving I/C Div 14 reporting 23 St/44 Dr will be the Command Post -- 1022 hrs
  19. rdm258

    10/16/10 -- Second Alarm/Brush/Box 3069

    Location: Great Kills Park --Hylan Blvd/Buffalo St Large area of brush going. Extremely Wind Conditions Time: 1314 hrs Time: 1320 hrs  Second Alarm given  Div 8 the I/C Time: 1324 hrs  Eng 284 with Sat 3, Car 6  s/c Time: 1330 hrs  Cap blew off Hydrant and hit Eng 162 Chauffeur, EMS requested...
  20. rdm258

    The MOST Comical EMS video...

    Check this out, these guys actually did a pretty good job, very accurate 911 Emergency ROCKsponse - Paramedic Rap