Search results

  1. T

    7/8/22 MANHATTAN **2 & 2** BOX 1071

    TL35 ??
  2. T

    Most memorable firehouse meal ?

    Anything Joe Pasq. (Beebo) R.I.P. would cook at "The Camp".
  3. T

    Alarm/callout codes for FDNY Squad Company?

    1261 Truckie, great answer. You are right on the button with your bell signals.
  4. T

    Rescue 1

    You hit it on the nose with that observation!!!
  5. T

    Rescue 1

    L8 to far downtown. They cut that house in half when Varick St. was widened.
  6. T

    6/16/22 Brooklyn All-Hands Box 2679

    E278 1st due again.
  7. T

    6/14/22 Manhattan 10-76 Box 838

  8. T

    New Tillers

    All of them. Pre 70's they all had them or T/Ls.
  9. T

    Rescue 1

    Wasn't R1's qtrs. just built in the 80's? Why a new one?
  10. T

    5/26/2022 Queens All Hands - Under Control Box 4034

    Queens Box. All Bklyn Cos
  11. T

    5/23/22 Marine Unit Mutual Aid Request

    Is the Pipe Band going to be at the dock to welcome them home?
  12. T

    5/23/22 Brooklyn All Hands Box 1556

    113/249 ??
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    5/21/22 Manhattan Water Rescue Box 83

    Nice report. Clears up a lot of confusion.
  14. T

    New Seagraves

    The red FDNY on the front diamond plate doesn't show up well.
  15. T

    5/20/22 Brooklyn 10-75 Box 1483

    278 missed another.
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    Rest In Peace Tommy! You truly had the brothers backs.
  17. T

    LAFD To Purchase First Electric Fire Engine In North America

    God forbid if it was loaded with passengers. It went up so quick.
  18. T

    What happened to FDNY Fireboat Kevin C. Kane (dated 03 Jan 2017)

    Thanks to Mr. Cole for not renaming the boat. Continued Rest In Peace Kevin
  19. T

    5/10/22 Brooklyn 10-75 Box 2652

    278 misses another 1st Due job. Just around the corner.