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  1. T

    R.A.P.I.D Response Vehicle

    Well, now I can see why those who knew its purpose wanted to keep it confidential.
  2. T

    3/31/24 Brooklyn 5th Alarm / 10-66 Box 0270

    First of all, I don't know if there are any current up-to-date assignment cards that are in quarters or accessible to units in quarters. The point seems to be that even if there were, they're almost useless since the recent trend toward assigning relocators before the next due units on the...
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    Rest in peace, Brother.
  4. T

    10-75 Signal Revision

    I've heard of the FAT engine, the FAST truck, the RIT, but what is the DAT truck?
  5. T

    10-75 Signal Revision

    With more units assigned on the first alarm, is this a move to reduce the number of multiple alarms?
  6. T

    Run Ticket

    I thought Thomas McCann of Engine 65 was killed on September 11.
  7. T

    Engine 17 Engine FDNY

    Engine 17's former quarters at 91 Ludlow Street:,-73.9892085,3a,90y,269.03h,109.35t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sCiaWiBy2Q-BHlXzWD0To6Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
  8. T

    3/13/24 Staten Island All Hands Box 0522

    Just down the street at Slosson and Martling Avenues is the memorial to Lieutenant George Lener of Ladder 6 who was killed in the Line of Duty 30 years ago this coming June. Rest in peace, George.
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    3/13/24 Manhattan 10-75 Box 1831

    Map of 25 Indian Road
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    3/2/24 Staten Island All Hands Box 0381

    Aren't those houses in decent shape?
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    New Rearmount order

    I thought Ladder 173 was considered a company that might be going back to a tiller. If they were considered, apparently the decision was "No".
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    3/8/24 Manhattan All Hands Box 1468

    Across the street from the Apollo Theater.
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    3/2/24 Queens All Hands Box 7050

    So why, at least in Brooklyn, do the first due ladder companies still operate as first due even when the rescue company is already on the scene and operating?
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    3/2/24 Queens All Hands Box 7050

    Aren't all boxes for Rescues first due, unless assigned as an additional Rescue?
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    I believe then Captain Cesark was in Ladder 132 and was on the cover of WNYF welcoming back either the first or last of his men that was laid off. Rest in peace, Brother.
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    2/25/24 Manhattan 10-75 Box 0586

    FDNYSTATENISLAND writes "down the block from E3/TL12/B7 quarters." Signal73 writes "Up the block from 3/12/7." So what is it, up or down?
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    2/26/24 Brooklyn 10-77 Box 3655

    Unusual for Ladders 105, 110, and 131 to all be relocated. Were any of them covered?
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    Pump Operations with hydrants on 48 inch water mains

    How about a 72" main?
  19. T

    New Seagraves

    I never heard anyone in the field refer to Aerial Ladders as Sticks.
  20. T

    2/14/24 Queens All Hands Box 8300

    I remember relocating from Brooklyn to Engine 264. Going over the Marine Parkway Bridge we informed Queens that we were on their frequency. The MDT immediately showed us 10-8 acting 264. We replied we were just crossing the bridge and the dispatcher said you're the only ones available on the...