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  1. N

    First Tower Ladders

    Yes, Ladder 1.
  2. N

    First Tower Ladders

    l just checked my FDNY Tower Ladders book, >>> 1964 Mack C / Truco 75 '
  3. 1695149577957.png


  4. N

    New Seagraves

    Circles, X es, ding marks too.... guess it be going back for touch ups ?
  5. N

    9/4/23 Queens 5th Alarm Box 9302

    and they have SAT 1 etc. on the bumpers, so SUP 1 would be consistent on this bumper. And nearly all, if not all FDNY pieces have designations in large lettering, usually white on the bumpers.
  6. N

    9/4/23 Queens 5th Alarm Box 9302

    What are the satellites official cad designations ?
  7. N


    The Super has a Large pump and huge gun, The satellites have no pump and big guns.
  8. N


    Needs '' SUP 1 '' in white on the bumper .
  9. N

    New FDNY Tillers

    Yes, they had 2 of the 4 - 110' heavy duty rearmounts.
  10. N

    9/4/23 Queens 5th Alarm Box 9302

    ^ Bumper needs some lettering on it ^ '' SUP 1 ''
  11. N

    9/1/23 Queens 3rd Alarm Box 9383

    What is ^ this ^ ?
  12. N

    New Rearmount order

    New 123 was working at Brooklyn box 1631 today.
  13. N

    Inside cab pictures

    Looking at photos l see the squad cabs are a few inches longer it seems, l never noticed it until reading your post. ls it 6''- 8'' longer at the most ?
  14. N

    New Rearmount order

    Put in service at the shops to do what?
  15. N


    Too bad those new schemed mini bars at rear top right & left were not blue, yellow, red, blue ( outer to inner ) instead of blue, yellow, red, yellow.
  16. N


    l appreciate your use of '' tower ladders '' and '' ladder towers '' there is a difference which you are obviously aware of.
  17. N

    New Rearmount order

    Probably the biggest difference is these are Seagraves instead of Ferraras for the first time in over 10+ years. Compared to the Seagraves before that, raised cab roofs is one big standout, lights .... Maybe someone here knows much more of specifics otherwise.
  18. N

    New Seagraves

    The gold characters look good. Why are those grille lights not working?
  19. N


    Looks HEAVY.
  20. N

    7/26/2023 Manhattan 5th Alarm Box 0782

    Thanks, l missed his video this time.