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  1. D

    3/7/23 Queens 5th Alarm Box 7810

    Jumped the street? I didn’t hear the exposures.
  2. D

    3/7/23 Queens 5th Alarm Box 7810

    Did he say exposure 1?
  3. D

    3/5/23 Bronx 5th Alarm Box 4794

    How about the old Boro call?
  4. D

    3/5/23 Bronx 5th Alarm Box 4794

    I believe there was a 6th in a row of stores in Queens. Not sure of year.
  5. D

    3/5/23 Bronx 5th Alarm Box 4794

    Is there an official reason for that? Curious.
  6. D

    3/5/23 Bronx 5th Alarm Box 4794

    Surprised CO didn’t mention an additional alarm on the request for 4 more engines & 2 more trucks to respond.
  7. D

    3/2/23 Brooklyn All Hands Box 1728

    Would like to see the operations report for what each company actually did. I understand keeping the numbers up so more companies aren’t closed, but if it’s not an oven fire that extended to the cabinet’s/ structure, then what? Is it what Bn, companies have the most 75’s?🤷‍♂️
  8. D

    3/1/23 Brooklyn 2nd Alarm Box 1583

    The CO spread it out, 5 different neighborhood’s.
  9. D

    2/17/23 Staten Island 4th Alarm 10-60/10-66 Box 3592

    Just watched the press briefing on the fire & the 3 injured member’s conditions. Thank GOD they’ll be ok & get well enough to return to duty, once fully recovered. COD Hodgens got some looks from the FC when he moved in to answer fire related questions. She did not want to give up her space...
  10. D

    2/14/23 Brooklyn All Hands Box 4121

    wonder if 114 pissed off someone, 2 relocations on the 6x9? Staten Island & Flatbush.
  11. D

    2/9/23 Bronx 5th Alarm Box 2962

    How long has it been since dispatcher stopped hitting the tone over the air for each alarm? Now it’s just once.
  12. D

    E Bike fires.

    Heard a transmission by Bn., for an e-bike fire in street,( units responded) with squad special called for haz-mat handling, to “package”, a 10-31 when asked by dispatcher for signal. Seems job would add these bike/scooter fires, if outdoors, to signal 10-24, along with 10-80, no code, if...
  13. D

    1/26/23 Brooklyn All Hands Box 2617

    I guess 247 & 284 were out for 242 & 282 respond from further distances. 🤷‍♂️
  14. D

    1/19/23 Brooklyn 10-75 Box 2812

    Div placed fire “probably will hold”, CO responded with, 75 wasn’t transmitted. Div response was 10-75. ???? All-hands was not transmitted. 10-75 now under control. Didn’t hear what units were used. Comment anyone for clarification.
  15. D

    10-18 Signal

    Exactly. One wouldn’t use that phrase at a 2nd alarm under control, that they’re dropping down to a 75. 10-18 is the signal & as Scoobyd stated, ID units used if out of assignment sequence. Thanks all for your comments.
  16. D

    10-18 Signal

    Your reply states that more than a 1& 1 were originally being used. I never hear the Bn transmit the identity of the other units, if used, just ”dropping down”. Wouldn’t just 10-18 suffice, if other units weren’t used? Seems like using the term implies more units were used.🤷‍♂️ Again, just...
  17. D

    10-18 Signal

    Thanks, Jack. It reminded me of something that just catches on & not as salty as, & I’m sure you remember a few Officers transmitting this way, “Drop the box”instead of 10-30 or later 10-75. Please, we know you’re busy, but so are many other companies.😂
  18. D

    10-18 Signal

    Curious about what some Bn Chiefs are dropping down from, when they transmit, “ dropping down to an 18”? Were they using more companies? If so they seem to be never mentioned. I’m referring to a normal assignment on a box. Why not just transmit a 10-18 & if box assignment was out of order...
  19. D

    12/30/22 Brooklyn 10-77 Box 465

    226, not 206, I believe.
  20. D

    12/22/22 Staten Island 10-75 Box 8001

    Was it transmitted?