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  1. D

    New FDNY Tillers

    There are a lot of factors involved......many of the Walker FH's and others cannot support the additional weight and space is tight in most quarters. Also many response areas have changed with the addition of bike lanes and pedestrian plazas and citybike docks and other various progressive...
  2. D

    MDT & iPad in Rigs

    The response tickets are totally different then the Incident Command App on the Ipads and phones.....Share the same data but totally separate systems and use.
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    FF 2 has been back for a few months already
  4. D


    Apparently unbeknownst to the new FC, several Staff Chiefs are still on the books including previous COD's and other staff and she cannot fill spots as per city hall.....
  5. D

    FDNY and New Year's Eve

    It is about 100 pages worth of incident action plans .....all of which is FOUO.....
  6. D

    12/29/22 Brooklyn All Hands Box 3385

    The old Ferraras are fully equipped reserve rescues ....they are Rescue 11 thru Rescue 15. R-3 had members covering for R-2 and used 3's reserve rig R -13.....They just assumed R-2's identity to keep it simple.
  7. D


    It is important to realize the mechanism of action of the opioids and it is nearly impossible to OD via incidental contact while performing duties as a 1st responder. The human body and drugs do not work like all these "exposures" including one in Sunset Park a few weeks ago claim. Fake news and...
  8. D

    12/22/22 Staten Island 10-75 Box 8001

    There are several Staff Chief moves....some have been announced and some have not.....and some Chiefs have been in their new roles for several weeks already.....things are very dynamic as new administrations are assuming the helm.....
  9. D

    11/28/22 Queens 3rd Alarm Box 7186

    There are a few factors involved....Dispatchers determine relocations based on several factors.....It is a very dynamic process....The other major change is the new Fire CAD which is basically a super Starfire designed by the FDNY for the needs of the FDNY. The Fire CAD will recommend the next...
  10. D

    11/28/22 Brooklyn 10-75 Box 2513

    Dispatchers are not required to ask what the IC is using is the IC's job to tell them......goes back a few years now
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    11/28/22 Staten Island 2nd Alarm Box 0461

    161 is 4th due to all the Park Hill Ave buildings.......
  12. D


    So like it or not....FDNY is just like any other FD.....EMS, Smells and Bells and an All Hazards response agency that occasionally goes to fires......Actual structural, non structural and All Hands or greater account for roughly 8-15% of an FDNY units work. The numbers don't lie.......
  13. D


    The list is pretty dynamic and constantly changing as people retire and get promoted and the job expands or changes roles etc......Most people on the job have no idea who does what anymore or who and what Car ## for buffs to try to keep up is even more ridiculous.....
  14. D


    Despite what you see posted here.....which is all rumor and gossip for the most part despite what certain people think......there is no official response policy or guidelines for use of this rig.......It will end up being utilized less then the original Superpumper......
  15. D

    8/20/22 Brooklyn AH/UC Box 8050

    210 is still 1st due .....still the augmented response with 207 2nd due taking the Sattelite and R2 still on box but that may change since the yard comes in daily now and the move to the new quarters.
  16. D

    SoP for life alert and similar med monitoring

    Unfortunately things are not progressive like that in NYC for a multitude of reasons too numerous to list here......just because an organization is the biggest and busiest does not make them the best or most progressive.......
  17. D

    FDNY Type 2 Ambulances

    Well considering there are only about 50 EMS members trained as part of the MHAT or whatever they are calling the program and cannot run a daily complement of units for 911 and there are 200+ OOS trucks daily awaiting repairs who knows what is really going on.....Nobody here that is for sure.
  18. D

    7/27/2022 Staten Island All Hands - Under Control Box 0861

    And once you cross Clove and Howard 78 and 79 are in the mix also
  19. D

    New Haz Mat 1 Assembly Line Photos

    The 2nd piece responds behind the primary......The blue lights are a major distraction and that is most likely why no blue on back.....
  20. D

    7/3/22 Fireworks Barge Incident

    The barge was off of Great Beds Light which is basically where the Raritan River, Raritan Bay and the Arthur Kill meet. between South Amboy, Perth Amboy and Staten Island.....FDNY assistance was requested when Perth Amboy Marine 5 had mechanical issues.....