I remember it closed at least 11 years ago due to shrinking Catholic enrollment, and religious demographics in the neighborhood did a radical change.. Haven't been there in a while, but I heard the city was trying to negotiate the building into a public middle school.
I wonder when someone will come out with a memo to battalions that driveways aren't exposures; especially when there's a similar occupancy 10 ft. on the other side of that driveway.
I believe that may have been the job where there was a smoke explosion in the cockloft that blew the 2nd due engine out into the hallway and partially down the stairs.
Has there been any updates on the rumors about encrypting the Dept. radio transmissions?
Also, I must be in a dead zone in Queens, specifically the area around Queens College. All FDNY freqs. on my SDS100 are hashed and practically inaudible as well as all EMS frequencies. HOWEVER. all NYPD...
How were they able to let this get away from them? 3:00 pm MBFKD; then fire breaks out on the 5th floor, then fire in the cockloft?
We had many H type MDs in the south Bronx with vertical voids. Fires on lower floors always sent a truck co. to the top floor to check for extension and see if...
If they do that, than maybe they should consider bringing in licensed plumbers as well. We go to enought water/steam leaks a year to warrant sending two plumbers and an officer in a minivan for mitigation, instead of making fire supression units unavailable.
That building's still there, and the BEPLAT TruValue hardare signs are still all over the building. (although, there are smaller blue letters in Chinese also on the walls) I wonder who is running the business today. I keep forgetting to stop in.
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