1/2/25 Queens All Hands Box 8502

Mar 9, 2023
Incident Location: 114-35 116th Street

Phone Alarm Reporting Fire On The 2nd Floor Of A Private Dwelling - 01:37.

Due To Quality & Quantity Of Calls Box Loaded Up (E303, R4 & SQ270) - 01:39.

E308: 10-75 The Box, Fire On The 2nd Floor - 01:41.

L126 - FAST.

B51: Transmit The All Hands On Arrival (E294 & L143) - 01:42.

B51: Fire On The 2nd Floor Of A 2.5-Story Peaked Roof Private Dwelling, 2 L/S. DWH - 01:44.

Exposures: 1: Street, 2: Driveway, 3: Unknown, 4: Driveway.

B51: Water On The Fire - 01:47.

D13: PWH - 01:58.

D13: Under Control - 02:14 (Duration 37 Min).

E308, E285, E302, E303, E294
TL142, TL155, L126F, L143
B51, B39

TL138 act. TL142
L150 act. L126
E291 act. E308
E273 act. E294
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I wonder when someone will come out with a memo to battalions that driveways aren't exposures; especially when there's a similar occupancy 10 ft. on the other side of that driveway.
According to communications 30 feet is the distance where another structure is no longer considered an exposure unless conditions dictate that it is.

Some PD driveways or side yards might look bigger than they are but roof eaves, cars, combustible siding, fences, decks, landscaping, etc.. are great ways for fire to make its way to exposure.