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  1. M

    New Seagraves

    Some Good News coming Soon(y)
  2. M


    Earlier today one of the ultimate War Years Vets, Lt. Peter McGreevey, L120, passed away. The citizens of Brownsville were very fortunate to have had him protecting them for over 30 years either in Squad 4 on Bristol St. or in Ladder Co. 120 on his beloved Watkins Street. It was always an Honor...
  3. M

    Aug.2,1978, Waldbaums Fire

    Had the honor to be in attendance at yesterday's memorial service and remembrance. God Bless those men that were lost, their families, and those members that operated at the fire that day. Had the privilege to know a few members that responded on the initial box, some no longer with us and some...
  4. M

    1974 Seagrave TDA's

    Original Tillerman enclosure did not have doors. The entire cab except for the windshield slid open and then had to slide it closed. All were changed and have stayed pretty much unchanged since with sliding doors on both sides, while the remainder of the cab is stationary.
  5. M

    FDNY and NYC Firehouses and Fire Companies - 2nd Section

    Also in the mid 1980's, 21 Truck in Hell's Kitchen switched from a rear-mount to a tower ladder.