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  1. FDNYBuff97

    Aviation 3 is reopening ???

    I saw them by 96 & 54's quarters responding with lights and sirens In a van & A SUV
  2. FDNYBuff97

    10-20 Response Mode

    I know this effect has gone in Citywide now but Do Squad and Rescue have to respond 10-20 when they are assigned to say a 10-75 , like A 2nd or 3rd Due Engine or Truck ?
  3. FDNYBuff97

    Aviation 3 is reopening ???

    They have an Old ALF Engine from Pennsylvania I saw it the other day , Couldn't get a pic & I heard they are getting 2 ESU trucks , I do not know where from.
  4. FDNYBuff97

    Hazmat Battalion ?

    Is it fully stocked ? Also where is it located ? Heard it come in the Bronx the other morning
  5. FDNYBuff97

    Aviation 3 is reopening ???

    They have an older ALF Engine it shows it in the link & they open sometime in 2012
  6. FDNYBuff97

    Aviation 3 is reopening ???

    I saw this last on the news , I am really surprised , how will they be operating & receiving calls ?
  7. FDNYBuff97

    West Hamilton Beach Fire Department

    On the WHBFD Website I see that they operate with FDNY alot and in this link they posted , It says they were Special Called to A Brush Fire by Battalion 39 , Is that true ? Are they assigned to boxes by the FDNY ? Or do they just show up ?
  8. FDNYBuff97

    Tiller Ladder

    In The FDNY , The tiller ladder has a firefighter steer the back. What do they do ? and do they have an extra seat because of the tiller man ?
  9. FDNYBuff97

    WTC 1993 Terroist Attack Apparatus Photos

    World Trade Center 1993 Bombing
  10. FDNYBuff97

    Trucks and ERS ?

    I just heard over my scanner Ladder 50 anything further on this box ? They responded saying Negative ERS all the way K I thought only Engines do ERS. Anybody know
  11. FDNYBuff97

    Battalion 15

    I've noticed in the past two or three incidents such as odors of gas , car fires , smoke conditions , etc in the area of woodlawn the Battalion 15 has not been responding to these its the 27. I don't know if it's because they're unavailable or out on another run but I was told the 15 was moved...
  12. FDNYBuff97

    32 Truck

    32 Truck's rig has been out of service for quite a while now , about 4 months , I know they are scheduled for a new Ferrara rig. Does anybody know if they are going to keep the spare until the ferrara is delivered ? Thank You
  13. FDNYBuff97

    FDNY Shops

    Are the FDNY Shops visitiable , like can someone go there and like walk around ?
  14. FDNYBuff97

    FDNY Helmet Shields

    Can somebody please tell me what type of shields the FDNY uses on their helmets ?
  15. FDNYBuff97

    Rundown for Building Collapse July 10 , 2006 ?

    Anyone have a rundown ?
  16. FDNYBuff97

    FDNY Classic Bronx Apparatus

    Post up all of your classic Bronx Apparatus
  17. FDNYBuff97

    FDNY 03-04 Seagrave Engines

    When these will get Replaced , is there any word on what they will be replaced with ? Will it be a Marauder II ?
  18. FDNYBuff97

    Deutsch Bank Fire 8-18-07

    Does anybody have a rundown of the companies who responded there ?
  19. FDNYBuff97


    I saw in  WNYF Engine 16 acting Rescue 2 and I was wondering is it really possible for an Engine or Truck or even a Squad to act as a Rescue or An Engine or Truck or Rescue to act as a Squad ?
  20. FDNYBuff97

    Bronx Boro Command

    What house is the Bronx Boro Command housed with I heard it was with Rescue 3 but then i heard it was with Engine 72 which is it ?