1/8/08 Staten Island Box 1923 - 2nd Alarm

Nov 27, 2007
Staten Island, NY, 1/8/08

Address: 68 Jules Drive between Arlene Court and Comstock Ave

Box 1923 - Fire in a Private Dwelling
Engs. 166, 158, 154
TL86, L83
Battalion 22

10-75- 07:05 hours
L80 is the FAST truck
Rescue 5
Squad 1
Battalion 21
Division 8

07:15 hours - Duration 11 minutes
Battalion 22 reports: We have fire in a 2 story 25x30 Private Dwelling.  2 lines stretched, 1 in operation, fire is doubtful.  Transmit the second alarm, we have heavy fire throughout.

Fire Building:
2 story 25x30 Private Dwelling
1 - Street
2 - Attached
3 - Rear yard
4 - Similar

2-2-1923 - 07:15 hours
Engs. 163, 156, 160, ?
TL79, L?
E159 w/ Satellite 5
Battalion 40 (Resource Unit Leader)
Battalion 23 (Safety Officer)
Rescue Battalion
Safety Battalion
Tactical Support 2

07:30 hours - Duration 30 minutes
Division 8 reports we have 4 line stretched in operation, 2 lines into exposure 2, 2 into the fire building.  We are setting up a tower ladder, heavy fire on the number 1 and 2 floors.  Doubtful.  Request ConEd, we have overhanging power lines.

07:40 hours - 39 minutes
DC8: We have heavy fire on the 1st floor, 2nd floor, in the cockloft, and through the roof.  We have 5 lines stretched and a tower ladder in operation.  Primaries negative due to occupants being removed prior to arrival.

07:43 hours
ConEd is on scene checking underground and aboveground wires.

07:51 hours
Fieldcom: By the orders of Division 8, special call two ladder companies.
L109 acting 86, TL172 acting 83 S/C

08:03 hours
FC: Car 8, Staten Island Borough Commander, reports still have 5 lines and 1 tower ladder conducting an exterior operation.  All visible fire knocked down, primaries delayed due to exterior operation.  ConEd reports energized fencing on exposure 4 side, which includes 4a, 4b, and 4c.  Probably will hold.

08:05 hours
FC: Request gas utility.

08:17 hours
FC: Progress report 5 for box 1923, Car 8 reports secondaries in exposure 2 complete and negative.  Shutting down all lines, waiting to check building stability.

08:33 hours -Duration 1hour 33 minutes
FC: Progress report 6, car 8 reports fire is Under Control.

09:14 hours
DC8 : Secondaries were conducted for the entire building, all secondaries are negative.  All occupants have been removed from the building.  Please check if Buildings Dept. was notified for this box.

09:24 hours
DC8: Transmit a 10-41 code 1 (Suspicious fire in an occupied structure) for this box.

09:33 hours
DC8: special call a truck for salvage
TL77 S/C

10:13 hours
DC8: special call an engine to assist TL77.
E161 S/C


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Some photos of the job
