11/5/08 Manhattan Box 274 - 10-77

Nov 27, 2007
Lower East Side, Manhattan, NY, 11/5/08

Address: 288 Delancey Street between Columbia St and Baruch Drive

Phone Box 274 - Report of a fire on the 9th floor of a MD
Engs. 15, 28, 9
TL18, L11

10-77-274 - 23:57 hours
E33 (CFRD Engine)
E3 w/ High Rise 1
E14 (High-Rise Nozzle Co.)
L6, TL9
L20 is the FAST truck
Battalions 2, 1, Safety, Rescue
Battalion 6 (Safety Officer)
Rescue 1
Squad 18
Division 1

7-5-274 - 00:01 hours
Battalion 4: We have a 14 story 70x100 fireproof project, we've got fire on the 9th floor, 9c, line being stretched, in operation, looks like a small kitchen fire right now, using All-Hands.

00:05 hours - Duration 16 minutes
Division 1: All visible fire has been knocked down in the fire apartment 9C, primary searches are complete and negative in the fire apartment 9C, Probably will Hold.  You can return Rescue Battalion, Safety Battalion, Rescue, Squad, Fieldcom, and E3, k.

00:13 hours - Duration 23 minutes
DC1: Box 274, Primaries in the stairwells, fire floor, hallway, and floor above are complete and negative, secondaries underway, fire is Under Control.