12/16/24 Bronx All Hands Box 3529

Feb 9, 2018
Address: Webster Ave. & Bedford Park B'lvd.

E48, 62, 63, 81, 42 s/c, 89 s/c
L56, 32, 39F, 37, 47 act. 32F s/c, 38 act. 37 s/c, 40 act. 39 s/c, 42 act. 56 s/c, 33 s/c, 19 s/c, 61 s/c, 48, s/c, 27 s/c 55 s/c
B27, 15, 19 s/c, 18 s/c, 17 s/c, 26 s/c
SOC Dewatering unit
SOC Compressor
SOC Logistics
Other Boxes out in area, some units unavailable
Many of Trucks & BCs were s/c for relief purposes

E48: we have a large water main break

L56: we have a major water main break, approx. 3' of water - cars are starting to fill up and will need to be searched

B27 gave 10-75 for major water main break


B27: we have 3 blocks with 4' of water, extended searches of basements will be needed

D7: units are searching vehicles & b'ldgs.

D7 gave All Hands

D7: s/c Truck (L47 act. L32) to relieve L39 as FT

D7: s/c (2) add'l Trucks (L38 act. L37 & L40 act. L39)

L42 act. L56: we are operating at the water main break as per D7

D7: s/c add'l BC (B19) to relieve B15

D7: DEP will have the water shut off in approx. 3 - 4 hrs.

D7: s/c add'l Truck (L33 & BC (B18)

B27: DEP is still in process of shutting off the water, very little progress so far (duration 4 hr. 26 min.)

B18: s/c add'l Truck (L19)

B18: s/c (2) Trucks & BC (L61, L48 & B17)

B17: s/c (2) Trucks & BC (L27, L55 & B26)

B26: s/c (2) Engines (E42 & E89) & SOC Dewatering unit

L47 act. L32
E66 act. E63
L42 act. L56
L40 act. L39
L38 act. L37

L150 act. L38
E68 act. E48
L17 act. L37
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fyi...when you walk down a flooded street use your 6 ft hook to probe in front of you (as you would on a smokey roof with zero visibilty)
this will help in the event a manhole cover has been dislodged.
^^^^ Very important tip since if you have the bad fortune to fall thru a roof at least you MIGHT be seen by Units operating inside but if you were walking along a flooded street & you step into an open manhole you may not be located in time.....

Also on the street flooding issue work w/a Partner when Searching / Surveying or moving thru the flood area for any reason.....

Three more points ...

1 = Beware walking on an Asphalt or Concrete surface near the edge of a hole or washed out area as the sub surface may be already washed away & the surface material may not support your weight.....

2 = At a flood situation what was previously & still may appear to be a dirt surface covered in a few inches of mud may actually be a very deep pool of water soaked mud varying in depth possibly significant enough to trap you in a material similar to quicksand ....

3 = Not just limited to Rural areas ...think Breezy Point / Roxbury in QNS as well as other sandy Beach areas that still use cess pools w/ stacked block walls ....in a flood condition if the walls are washed out & collapse the size of the cess pool can expand & no longer be in the position you might expect it to be in creating another unexpected serious water hazard.