12/21/08 Manhattan Box 457 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
East Village, Manhattan, NY, 12/21/08

Address: 526 E11 st between Avenues A and B

23:07 hours
Phone Box 457 - Multiple calls reporting fire on the 5th floor
Engs. 5, 28, 33
L3, L11
Battalion 6

23:08 hours
Receiving reports of smoke on the 4th floor

23:08 hours
E14, Rescue 1, Squad 18 assigned for multiple calls.

10-75-457 - 23:09 hours
TL9 is the FAST truck
Battalion 4
Division 1

7-5-457 - 23:13 hours
Battalion 6: Box 457, we have fire on the top floor of a 5 story non-fireproof 20x75, 1 line stretched at this time.  Using All-Hands at this time, fire is Doubtful.

Exposures are:
1 - street
2 - similar attached
3 - unknown
4 - similar attached

23:15 hours
BC6: Box 457, we're stretching a 2nd line at this time, fire is still Doubtful.

23:15 hours
Now receiving the address 528 E11 st reporting fire on the roof.

23:16 hours - Duration 10 minutes
BC6: Main body of fire has been knocked down, trucks are opening up, fire still Doubtful.

23:24 hours
E10 is 10-8 in E5's response area.

23:26 hours - Duration 20 minutes
Division 1: We have 2 lines stretched, 1 in operation, primaries on the top floor are negative, fire is Doubtful at this time as trucks are opening up checking for extension.

23:35 hours - Duration 30 minutes
DC1: Primaries in the 3 apartments on the top 3 floor are negative, we're going to go Probably Will Hold.

23:44 hours - Duration 39 minutes
DC1: We're going to place this Under Control, we're going to leave Battalion 6 as Incident Commander, units are in the process.

23:53 hours
BC6: Box 457, transmit a 10-41 code 1 (Suspicious fire in occupied structure).  Fire apartment was 16 on the 5th floor.