1943 Medal Day Book


May 14, 2007
If anyone on this Forum has a copy of the FDNY's Medal Day Book for 1943, The Mand Library at the FDNY Fire Academy is seeking a copy of one page of that book. This page would have the details on the James Gordon Bennett Medal for 1943 being awarded to a Fireman John Colgan of H&L 2 for an act of valor performed on 4/17/1942. If you have this volume, it would be greatly appreciated if you could either FAX, e-mail, or mail, a copy of only that one page to the attention of Fire Marshal Daniel Maye, who is the Chief Librarian, c/o The George F. Mand Library, FDNY Fire Academy, Randalls Island, NY 10035. FAX # is 212-860-9233. E-mail is mayed@fdny.nyc.gov.