2024 nyc marathorn

Jun 27, 2007
With the Verrazano closed for the race does FDNY have a contingency plan to get units to SI in case of a emergency?
I was monitoring the air early this morning and heard a number of units relocating to SI. Sounds like they loaded up the Island ahead of time.
Normally there is an emergency plan that calls for the MTA to shut down the lower level - Brooklyn Bound - of the VZ bridge to all traffic with the exception of FDNY in case of a serious incident. This is done just in case there are back-ups on both levels of the bridge that is Staten Island bound.

All traffic going toward Bklyn on the lower level is detoured to the upper level. Once the MTA verifies that the lower level is totally cleared FDNY units that have lined up right before the first exit ramp will be permitted to proceed across the span. Once approaching the MTA Administrative Building in S.I. they would be lead off the roadway to local streets.

The plan for today also calls for response modifications. Rescue 5, TAC 2, & Div 8 remain on the Island.

Throughout the entire route, Bklyn, Queens, Manhattan & Bronx fire companies are not permitted to cross the route unless its to respond to a major incident. Companies, Engines, Ladders, & Battalions are assigned to both sides of the route for the entire 26 miles with the exception of Central Park. To make this possible, additional companies were relocated into the area to cover the route.