3/14/24 Brooklyn AH Brush Fire Box 3676

Apr 13, 2012
Gerritsen Beach

BK to E245 acting E309: Pick up the BFU from E321 quarters

E321: Have E245/BFU respond to Gerritsen and Gotham

E321: We haven’t located the fire yet we see smoke

BK to BC33: we transmitted the box. Marine 9 and MB also because it’s near the water

CTU: Put us on 3676

BC33: E321 is making their way to the source it’s in a remote location from the street. We’ll get back to you with more info

E266T BFU7 on the BK frequency responding to Gerristen and Gotham

BC33: We’re using All-Hands. Small area of brush by the water

Marine 6 added to the box on the AH


DIV15: PWH. 49-min duration

E321, E246, E276, E245/309 BFU
T153, T159, L156F
R2, SQ01
BC33, 43
E266T BFU7
M9, 6, MB
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Why ladders and special units on a brush fire
Couple of reasons.
1 is manpower. In some cases ffs will use Indian cans, water cans and brush brooms to put a fire out.
2 on more then 1 occasion, towers have been set up to put out brush fires. I've been to several fires where we've had 3 or 4 engines lobbing water thru deck guns and at least 2 if not more towers operating at the same time.
Brooklyn said that Gerritsen Beach Vollies were also responding with their Brush Fire Unit