3-19-09 Va. Beach, Va. Working Fire in a Nursing Home

Apr 9, 2007
1801 Camelot Dr.
Near: First Colonial Rd.
Fire in a Nursing Home

1812: E8, E1, E11, E14, L1, L11, Sq3, Bat1, Bat2, Safety1

1815: Car4 added

1816: E8 "1 story brick nursing facility, smoke from the roof"

1818: E8 "working fire, evacuation in progress"

1827?: under control

1837: Support8

1844: Bat1 "respond the duty Inspector, all searches negative, 1 line in operation, no exposures. Fire was in the laundry room"

1845?: fire out

1845: Inspector4

1854: Bat1 "respond Va. Natural Gas"

1936: Bat1 "E8-A is your contact, Bat1 is available

1950: run closed out