3/31/2021 Bronx 2nd Alarm Box 4759

Oct 17, 2013
Address: 2103 Honeywell Avenue - at East 180 Street

Fire on the 3rd floor of a 6 story 330x65 MD.

1300 - E-48 - Transmit the 10-75. Looks like fire on the 5th floor.


1301 - Bn. 18 - We have a fire in the bathroom of Apt. 3D on the 3rd foor. All Hands - Extra Engine and Truck (E-82, L-27).

1303 - Bn. 18 - Transmit the 2nd Alarm. We have fire in Apt. 3D and 4D. We have very long stretches. The first line is still being stretched.

1306 - Bn. 18 - The command post is at East 180 Street and Mohegan Avenue.

1321 - Div. 7 - 4 L/S, 3 L/O, searches are in progress. DWH

1323 - Div. 7 - Special call two additional Trucks (TL-33, L-37).

1335 - FC - Per Division 7 - 4 L/S/O. Primaries are complete and negative throughout. Primaries are negative in the stairwells and elevators.

1336 - FC - PWH - Duration 44 minutes.

1344 - Div. 7 - Secondaries are complete and negative.

1351 - Div. 7 - Under Control - Duration 59 minutes.

All Hands Maybe:
E-45, 88, 48, 90, 82 s/c
L-38, 56, 41F, 27 s/c
B-18, 19

2nd Alarm Maybe:
E-42, 75, 79
L-31, 33 s/c, 37 s/c
B-27 FF, 26 RUL, 20 Safety
SB, RB, FC, Tac 1
E-72 w/ Sat 2

E-84 act. E-48
E-258 act. E-82
TL-23 act. TL-58
L-61 act. L-56
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Address: 2103 Honeywell Avenue - at East 180 Street

Fire on the 3rd floor of a 6 story 330x65 MD.

1300 - E-45 - Transmit the 10-75.


1301 - Bn. 18 - We have a fire in the bathroom of Apt. 3D on the 3rd foor. All Hands - Extra Engine and Truck (E-82, L-27).

1303 - Bn. 18 - Transmit the 2nd Alarm. We have fire in Apt. 3D and 4D. We have very long stretches. The first line is still being stretched.

All Hands Maybe:
E-45, 88, 90, 46, 82 s/c
L-58, 38, 41F, 27 s/c
B-18, 19

2nd Alarm Maybe:
B-17 FF, 26 RUL, 20 Safety
SB, RB, FC, Tac 1
E-72 w/ Sat 2
Another multiple
I believe this is at least the third multiple in this project since the new year
The 2nd one was in the building behind it. Identical building tho and apparently a shared address. Only a 10-75. https://nycfire.net/forums/threads/1-13-21-bronx-10-75-box-4759.64361/

this was the new year job:
E46 on EMS run

E48 gave 10-75

E79 - 3rd on 2nd alarm
B27 FF on 2nd alarm

E83 act. E45
L154 act. L38
E91 act. E90
E38 act. E42
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Unusual bldg's. Entrance door is on the interior courtyard side, not the street. Might be two lengths just to reach the lobby.