3/8/12 Bronx Box 3797 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Riverdale, The Bronx, NY, 3/8/12

Address: 4901 Henry Hudson Parkway West between West 247 and 249 sts

07:06 hours
Phone Box 3797 - Report of smoke in apartment 1N
Engs. 52, 81, 79
L52, TL46
Battalion 27

07:08 hours
Now receiving apartments 1F, 2L, and 3J also reporting smoke

CIDS for Henry Hudson Parkway West:
MD 10 story 60x180 class 1.  2 enclosed stairs.  Standpipes on every floor. 2 cell towers on roof. Garage in basement not sprinklered.

07:10 hours
Box filled out on multiple calls
Rescue 3
Squad 61

10-75-3797 - 07:10 hours
L37 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 19
Division 7

7-5-3797 - 07:15 hours
Battalion 27: We have a kitchen fire in apartment 1N, we have 1 lines stretched and in operation, primary searches in progress, we've accounted for 1 occupant in 1F so far, we're going to use All-Hands.
E72 w/ Satellite 2

07:19 hours - Duration 15 minutes
BC27: Box 3797, fire is knocked down, primaries are negative.  Probably Will Hold.

07:25 hours - Duration 21 minutes
Division 7: All fire is knocked down, primary searches complete and negative, secondary searches in progress, Probably Will Hold.

07:26 hours
DC7: 1F is the fire apartment.  Also we can release Battalion 19, Rescue 3, Squad, and the Satellite.

07:29 hours
DC7: Apartment 3J is negative, apartment 2L is negaitve, all secondary searches complete and negative, Under Control.