4/10/22 Brooklyn All-Hands Box 0161

Apr 13, 2012
280 Frost Street

Fire in a MD

BC35: Box 161, we’ll go with the 10-75. We have a smoke condition on 4,5,6 just trying to track it down.

BC35: Fire apartment is 5G.

CIDS: 8-story MD, no standpipe. Long hose stretch. 2.5” line required. First engine into the courtyard. Water relay required. Handline to lobby stairwell.

L108 FAST, BC45 on the BK frequency responding

BC35: Attack stairwell is the “A” stairwell.

BC35: 2LS, 1LO. All-Hands.

BC35: Primaries in the apartment, hallways and stairways are negative.

Div. 11: PWH.

Div. 11: Secondaries are negative. 10-41 code 1 undetermined cause.

E229, E206, E238, E237
T146, L106, L108F
RS02, SQ252
BC. 35, 45
Div. 11
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Cooper Park Houses.
280 Frost Street

Fire in a MD

BC35: Box 161, we’ll go with the 10-75. We have a smoke condition on 4,5,6 just trying to track it down.

BC35: Fire apartment is 5G.

CIDS: 8-story MD, no standpipe. Long hose stretch. 2.5” line required. First engine into the courtyard. Water relay required. Handline to lobby stairwell.

L108 FAST, BC45 on the BK frequency responding

BC35: Attack stairwell is the “A” stairwell.

BC35: 2LS, 1LO. All-Hands.
229/146 close box ....206 2nd due engine, thought 108 would be 2nd but maybe 106 is there.
229/146 close box ....206 2nd due engine, thought 108 would be 2nd but maybe 106 is there.
Correct 106 is 10-84 with stick up to the roof. Looks like very long runs for both 106 and 108 into this box. Also, according to CIDS a very long stretch into the building then up to 5th floor with no standpipe.
I know there are buildings that are 7-story with no standpipe, 8 stories seems to be pushing it. Usually older NYCHA complexes. Does anyone know at what height standpipes become necessary?
i believe nyc had 5 man engines when they did the math for standpipes at 75' or 6 stories

could you imagine when the city went to reduced manning (4man engines) if a lawsuit went into action requiring all buildings
4 story or 60 ' in height now requires a standpipe system...landlords would be up in arms demanding the return of 5 man engines