4/22/23 Queens 2nd Alarm/JFK Box 0269

Mar 9, 2023
Incident Location: JFK Airport (Terminal 4)

Phone Alarm 0269 - JFK Airport At Terminal No. 4 - Reporting Smoke From Terminal

Automatic 2nd Alarm Transmitted

Queens/B51: L173 Is Designated As Your FAST Truck.

PAPD Gave FDNY Disregard.

Under Control. No Fire Department Action Required. All Units 10-8.

E302, E303, E331, E275, E298, E314,
E308 w/ JFK Hose Wagon
E294 w/ Foam 294
E324 w/ Satellite 4
E207 w/ Satellite 6
E72 w/ Satellite 2
TL155, L126, L173F, L133, TL158
B51, B50, B54FF, B39RUL, B58S
SQ270 w/ 2nd Piece
R4, R2
M6, M9, MB
Car 11F
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Incident Location: JFK Airport (Terminal 4)

Smoke From Plane In Terminal

Under Control. No Fire Department Action Required. All Units 10-8.

E302, E303, E331, E275, 285, 331, 298
TL155, L126, 158F, 133, 142
B-51, 50, 54, 39, 58
R-4, 2
FC, FCB, RB, SB, Tac 2
E-308 w/ JFK Hose Wagon
E-291 w/ Sat 4
E-294 w/ Foam 294
H&L-175 SOC Support
HM-1, HMB, E-274 Haz Tech
Marine-6, 9, Battalion
SOC Compressor, SOC Logistics
SOC Compressor, SOC Logistics SSL shouldn’t be on that
Unless other activities. There are 13 companies before 314. I believe 308 is 2nd due with the Wagon and 311 should be on there
So, I understand the crash boxes and the idea of an automatic enhanced second alarm, but I always figured that was intended for air-side emergencies. Is it an oversight or perhaps an error somewhere in the system that smoke in the terminal would cause the transmission of a crash box? I don't see why smoke in the terminal would be treated any differently than smoke in any other building, but perhaps I am missing something. Anybody have any info?
FDNY policy indicates that for JFK box 269 is transmitted for incidents involving an aircraft - either a confirmed crash or a pending possible crash. Any structural fire on airport property calls for another box to be transmitted which will result in a normal response unless FDNY pre-planning calls for a modified response.

Box 269 (JFK) & Box 37 (LGA) can be transmitted from two different locations. The first location is the control tower & the second is the main fire station at each airport. JFK has two fire stations while LGA only has one.

Due to the FAA requirements, Port Authority over 10 years ago had to dedicate full-time police officers to man the crash trucks. They no longer can be used for police work. The policy of cross-manning of crash trucks has been terminated.
Unless other activities. There are 13 companies before 314. I believe 308 is 2nd due with the Wagon and 311 should be on there
311 might have been out on a run, I don't know for sure though if there 13 companies before it could have definitely been out.

They are 20th Due
why would 314 be after 264 and 328 as they have a shorter response time then 264/328. and doesn't 314 don't go to anything above a second alarm if at quarters