4/23/24 Brooklyn 4th Alarm Box 2865

Mar 9, 2023
Incident Location: 2052 71st Street

Phone Alarm Reporting Fire In A Private Dwelling - 2050 71st Street.

BK/B42: Due To The Quantity & Quality Of Calls, We Loaded Up Your Box (E250/R5/SQ1).

TL172: 10-75 The Box, Fire On The 2nd Floor Of A 2-Story Flat Roof Private Dwelling. @13:11

B42: s/c An Extra Engine & Truck For Window Bars (E276/L156). @13:12

BK: Transmits The All Hands With Request For Extra 1&1.

BK/B42: On The Transmission Of The All Hands, (E282/L148) Assigned.

BK/B42: TL149 Is Designated Your FAST Truck & Medical Branch Resources Are Responding.

B42: Transmit The 2nd Alarm, Extension To Exposure 4 Across The Alley (2-Story Private Dwelling). @13:14

B42: Fire On The 2nd Floor Of A 2-Story 20x40 Flat Roof Private Dwelling, 2052 71st Street Is The Corrected Address. @13:16

1: Street
2: Similar Attached
3: Yard
4: Alley

BK/B42 B43RUL, B48SO, E284 w/ Satellite 3.

B42: 3 L/S, 2 L/O. Trucks Are Opening Up, Searches Are In Progress. @13:17

B42: 4 L/S, 3 L/O. Water On The Fire. @13:20

*Selected Staging Area - 20th Avenue & Bay Ridge Avenue*

D8: The Command Channel Has Been Established. @13:33

D8: s/c (2) Additional Trucks (TL161 act. TL172/TL131 act. TL149). @13:38

D8: Transmit The 3rd Alarm. @13:40

BK/D8: E279CU, B33SM, B39AR.

D8: 6 L/S, 5 L/O. Searches Are Sill In Progress, DWH. @13:43

FC: Heavy Fire In The Cockloft, Primary Searches On The Top Floor Of The Fire Building Are Complete & Negative. DWH, s/c (2) Additional Trucks (L174 act. L156/L147). @13:53

FC: We Also Have Fire Heavy In The Cockloft Of Exposure 4, Which Is A Detached Private Dwelling. @13:56

FC: Transmit The Full 4th Alarm. @13:58

FC: s/c (2) Additional Trucks (TL15 act. TL149/TL105 act. TL114). @14:14

FC: Primary Searches Throughout Exposure 2 Are Complete & Negative, Fire Has Been Knocked Down In The Original Fire Building. Fire In Exposure 4A Cockloft Has Been Knocked Down, Still Heavy In Exposure 4 Cockloft. Primary Searches Throughout Exposure 4 Are Complete & Negative, DWH. @14:31

FC: All Visible Fire In Exposure 4 & 4A Have Been Knocked Down, Primary Searches Throughout Exposure 4 & 4A Are Complete & Negative. Secondary Searches Throughout Exposure 2 Are Complete & Negative. Trucks Are Continuing To Open Up, PWH. s/c (2) Additional Trucks (TL35 act. TL172/L103 act. L166). @14:40

FC: Have DOB Respond To Assess The Structural Stability Of The Roof Of Exposure 4 & The Fire Building. s/c (1) Additional FAST Truck To Relieve The FAST Truck (L104 act. L147) & (1) Additional Battalion Chief (B1 act. B33). @14:42

FC: Secondary Searches Throughout Exposure 4 & 4A Are Complete & Negative, Under Control. @14:57 (Duration 1hr, 50 Min)

EMS Reports (4) Green Tag FF’s.

BK/FC: E230, L106 & B58. Watchline?

10-75 (All Hands):
E243, E253, E247, E250, E276 w/b, E282
TL172, L168, TL149F, L156 w/b, L148
B42, B33
*E330 OOS For Medicals*

2nd Alarm:
E242, E241, E281
E284 w/ Satellite 3
L109, TL161 act. TL172 s/c, TL131 act. TL149 s/c
B40FF, B43RUL, B48SO

3rd Alarm:
E231 act. E330, E310 act. E243, E246 act. E276, E201, E279CU
L174 act. L156 s/c, L147 s/c
B41FF, B32SM, B39AR

4th Alarm:
E257 act. E250, E221 act. E282, E254, E245
TL114, TL170 act. TL172, TL15 act. TL149 s/c, TL105 act. TL114 s/c, TL35 act. TL172 s/c, L103 act. L166 s/c, L104F act. L147 s/c
*B44 act. B33 *ABC* B1 act. B33 s/c

CAR12B, CAR12, CAR22D, CAR24B, CAR22C, CAR24, CAR23D, CAR4, CAR15, CAR11A, CAR11, CAR32, CAR11X

TL161 act. TL172
L174 act. L156

E7 act. E241
E246 act. E276
E310 act. E243
TL131 act. TL149
E231 act. E330
TL170 act. TL172
E221 act. E282

E323 act. E284
L103 act. L166
B44 act. B33
E257 act. E250

E28 act. E330
TL15 act. TL149
B4 act. B40
TL124 act. TL170
TL127 act. TL105
B54 act. B41
TL105 act. TL114
B1 act. B33
L104 act. L147
TL35 act. TL172

E21 act. E276
L20 act. TL114
E258 act. E243
TL159 act. TL149
TL142 act. TL172
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Car-4 (Chief of Operations)
Car-11A (Chief of Rescue Operations)
Car-11X (Captain of Command Tactical)
Car-12 (Chief of Safety & Inspectional Services Command)
Car-12B (Safety Liaison)
Car-15 (Chief of Training)
Car-22C (Director of Fleet Services)
Car-22D (Deputy Director of Fleet Services)
Car-23D (Press Duty)
Car-24 (Director of Technical Services)
Car-24B (Director of Technical Services-MEU)
Car-32 (Medical Officer Bronx & Manhattan)
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Incident Location: 2052 71st Street

Phone Alarm Reporting Fire In A Private Dwelling - 2050 71st Street.

BK/B42: Due To The Quantity & Quality Of Calls, We Loaded Up Your Box (E250/R5/SQ1).

TL172: 10-75 The Box, Fire On The 2nd Floor Of A 2-Story Flat Roof Private Dwelling. @13:11

B42: s/c An Extra Engine & Truck For Window Bars (E276/L156). @13:12

BK: Transmits The All Hands With Request For Extra 1&1.

BK/B42: On The Transmission Of The All Hands, (E282/L148) Assigned.

BK/B42: TL149 Is Designated Your FAST Truck & Medical Branch Resources Are Responding.

B42: Transmit The 2nd Alarm, Extension To Exposure 4 Across The Alley (2-Story Private Dwelling). @13:14

B42: FIre On The 2nd Floor Of A 2-Story 20x40 Flat Roof Private Dwelling, 2052 71st Street Is The Corrected Address. @13:16

1: Street
2: Similar Attached
3: Yard
4: Alley

BK/B42 B43RUL, B48SO, E284 w/ Satellite 3.

B42: 3 L/S, 2 L/O. Trucks Are Opening Up, Searches Are In Progress. @13:17

B42: 4 L/S, 3 L/O. Water On The Fire. @13:20

*Selected Staging Area - 20th Avenue & Bay Ridge Avenue*

D8: The Command Channel Has Been Established. @13:33

D8: s/c (2) Additional Trucks (TL161 act. TL172/TL131 act. TL149). @13:38

D8: Transmit The 3rd Alarm. @13:40

BK/D8: E279CU, B33SM, B39AR.

D8: 6 L/S, 5 L/O. Searches Are Sill In Progress, DWH. @13:43

FC: Heavy Fire In The Cockloft, Primary Searches On The Top Floor Of The Fire Building Are Complete & Negative. DWH, s/c (2) Additional Trucks (L174 act. L156/L147). @13:53

FC: We Also Have Fire Heavy In The Cockloft Of Exposure 4, Which Is A Detached Private Dwelling. @13:56

FC: Transmit The Full 4th Alarm. @13:58

FC: s/c (2) Additional Trucks (TL15 act. TL149/TL105 act. TL114). @14:14

FC: Primary Searches Throughout Exposure 2 Are Complete & Negative, Fire Has Been Knocked Down In The Original Fire Building. Fire In Exposure 4A Cockloft Has Been Knocked Down, Still Heavy In Exposure 4 Cockloft. Primary Searches Throughout Exposure 4 Are Complete & Negative, DWH. @14:31

FC: All Visible Fire In Exposure 4 & 4A Have Been Knocked Down, Primary Searches Throughout Exposure 4 & 4A Are Complete & Negative. Secondary Searches Throughout Exposure 2 Are Complete & Negative. Trucks Are Continuing To Open Up, PWH. s/c (2) Additional Trucks (TL35 act. TL172/L103 act. L166). @14:40

FC: Have DOB Respond To Assess The Structural Stability Of The Roof Of Exposure 4 & The Fire Building. s/c (1) Additional FAST Truck To Relieve The FAST Truck (L104 act. L147) & (1) Additional Battalion Chief (B1 act. B33). @14:42

FC: Secondary Searches Throughout Exposure 4 & 4A Are Complete & Negative, Under Control. @14:57 (Duration 1hr, 50 Min)

EMS Reports (4) Green Tag FF.

BK/FC: E230, L106 & B58. Watchline?

10-75 (All Hands):
E243, E253, E247, E250, E276 w/b, E282
TL172, L168, TL149F, L156 w/b, L148
B42, B33
*E330 OOS For Medicals*

2nd Alarm:
E242, E241, E281
E284 w/ Satellite 3
L109, TL161 act. TL172 s/c, TL131 act. TL149 s/c
B40FF, B43RUL, B48SO

3rd Alarm:
E231 act. E330, E310 act. E243, E246 act. E276, E201, E279CU
L174 act. L156 s/c, L147 s/c
B41FF, B32SM, B39AR

4th Alarm:
E257 act. E250, E221 act. E282, E254, E245
TL114, TL170 act. TL172, TL15 act. TL149 s/c, TL105 act. TL114 s/c, TL35 act. TL172 s/c, L103 act. L166 s/c, L104F act. L147 s/c
*B44 act. B33 *ABC* B1 act. B33 s/c

CAR12B, CAR12, CAR22D, CAR24B, CAR22C, CAR24, CAR23D, CAR4, CAR15, CAR11A, CAR11, CAR32, CAR11X

TL161 act. TL172
L174 act. L156

E7 act. E241
E246 act. E276
E310 act. E243
TL131 act. TL149
E231 act. E330
TL170 act. TL172
E221 act. E282

E323 act. E284
L103 act. L166
B44 act. B33
E257 act. E250

E28 act. E330
TL15 act. TL149
B4 act. B40
TL124 act. TL170
TL127 act. TL105
B54 act. B41
TL105 act. TL114
B1 act. B33
L104 act. L147
TL35 act. TL172

E21 act. E276
L20 act. TL114
E258 act. E243
TL159 act. TL149
TL142 act. TL72
Great rundown! Thanks, HC7
Once again, a fire in these large Private dwelling extended to the exposures. In fear of sounding like a broken record the need for Tower Ladders and Large Caliber Streams in front of the building/s and also via a rear street to provide access the rear of the building/s is needed for advanced fire in these buildings. At times handlines just won't control the fire. Again after 50 years of firefighting and 30 years with the FDNY I have some idea of what must be done in advanced/self-vented fires. Hit it hard to reduce the fire, then if the building is safe enter it and complete extinguishment.
As I said before the Chicago Fire Department calls it "Resetting the Fire" or another way to say it is hit it from the outside for 30 seconds or a minute or two, reduce the fire and then perform an "aggressive interior attack", after evaluating the structural stability of the fire building/s.
Captain Bob Rainey Captain FDNY Engine 26 retired.
Again, these Batt FFs have to be educated. Exp. 4 was NOT an alley. It was a similar detached. Anything less than 30 ft. is considered an exposure. If the Alley was Exp.4 then the fire communicated past #4 to 4A. Somone please write a chief's Aide manual and putt the communications manual as an appendix.
Once again, a fire in these large Private dwelling extended to the exposures. In fear of sounding like a broken record the need for Tower Ladders and Large Caliber Streams in front of the building/s and also via a rear street to provide access the rear of the building/s is needed for advanced fire in these buildings. At times handlines just won't control the fire. Again after 50 years of firefighting and 30 years with the FDNY I have some idea of what must be done in advanced/self-vented fires. Hit it hard to reduce the fire, then if the building is safe enter it and complete extinguishment.
As I said before the Chicago Fire Department calls it "Resetting the Fire" or another way to say it is hit it from the outside for 30 seconds or a minute or two, reduce the fire and then perform an "aggressive interior attack", after evaluating the structural stability of the fire building/s.
Captain Bob Rainey Captain FDNY Engine 26 retired.
L172 gave the 10-75 & there a TL. Should be right in front of fire building since E330 on company medicals.