5/13/2015 Manhattan All Hands 10-77 Box 1068

Sep 24, 2011
1152: Manhattan to E-40 "are you available for a fire?" - Reported in apartment 4D on the 4th floor of 2166 Broadway (between 76th-77th Street)
1154: Manhattan to B-11: receiving a couple calls, 3&2, E-40 3rd due
1202: B-11 transmits 10-77, Size up per CIDS, Attack stairway "B" (later changed to "A"), 24 floor 80x130 Class 1 MD
1207: B-11 reports using All Hands, 1 L/S/O, Exp 1 street, Exp 2 12-story MD, Exp 3 unknown, Exp 4 street
1210: Medical branch resources responding
1212: Division 3 10-84
1218: D-3 reports water on fire, fire knocked down
1219: D-3 reports primary searches on fire floor and floor above negative
1224: D-3 reports building address is now 213 W. 76 Street (same building as 2166 B'way but different access)
1232: D-3 reports Probably Will Hold, return units not already on scene
1253: D-3 reports Under Control (Duration 1:01)

Probable Initial Box:
E-74, 23, 40
L-25, 35

On the 10-77:
E-47: HRN
E-8: CFR-D
E-39 with Hi-Rise Unit 2: Vent Support Unit
Division 3
B-8: [duty not specified over air]
B-9: Safety Officer
B-16:  [duty not specified over air]
Safety Battalion
Field Communications Unit
Command Tactical Unit

Did not hear:
Rescue Battalion
Rescue 1
Squad 18

Relocations heard:
L-128 acting L-2