5/25/13 Brooklyn Box 834 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, NY, 5/25/13

Address: 818 MacDonough St @ Broadway

06:41 hours
Box 834
E233, SQ252, E222
L176, L112
Battalion 37

10-75-834 - 06:44 hours
TL111 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 28
Division 15
Rescue 2
Squad 1

06:46 hours
E214, TL120 S/C for window bars

7-5-834 - 06:49 hours
Battalion 37: Box 834, the address is 818 MacDonough St, using All-Hands for a fire on the 2nd floor of a 2 story private dwelling occupied, address 818 MacDonough St. We have 2 lines stretched, 1 in operation, primary searches being conducted, trucks are opening up, fire is Doubtful.  Exposure 1 is a street, 2 similar attached, 3 unknown, 4 a 4-story multiple dwelling.  Dimensions 20x50.

06:52 hours - Duration 12 minutes
BC37: Main body of fire is knocked down, primaries negative throughout.

06:54 hours
BC37: We will remain Doubtful on the fire, Rescue, Squad 1, extra engine and truck can go 10-8.

06:57 hours - Duration 17 minutes
BC37: We can go Probably Will Hold.

07:07 hours - Duration 26 minutes
Division 15: At Box 0634, by orders of Division 15, secondary searches on the top floor are complete and negative, we're going to put this fire Under Control.  Division 15 will be 10-8 and Battalion 37 will be your IC, k.

07:12 hours
BC37: Secondary searches are negative throughout.

07:32 hours
BC37: 834 we'll go with a 10-41 code 1 (suspicious fire, occupied structure), unable to determine cause.

Relocations: E310/233, E229/277, T106/L112
Apr 1, 2007
Ditto.  Nobody does rundowns as well as you do.  Thanks . . . and hope to see lots more of your posts!  :) ;) :)
Nov 27, 2007
Thanks everyone, not really back unfortunately but hopefully will be able to catch a few jobs here and there