
Aug 16, 2008
Does this firehouse have a first second and third due boxes. I never see this house responding on multiple alarms fires.
The 52’s respond to multiple alarms, they have first to fourth due boxes on first alarms. L-52 was at recent Bronx 3rd on 241st. Last week.
Over the years the 52 twins had a restriction placed on them.
1. Not used to relocate.
2. Did not respond above a 2nd alarm.

Policy has changed and how they are assigned to respond on higher alarms in the North East Bronx (Batt 15 area).

If you followed the Rand model, it would cost too much for them to respond on a higher alarm & then be forced
to cover their quarters with relocators.

Other Bronx fire companies that had restrictions were 63 Eng & Lad 39, Eng 70 & Lad 53.

For many years Eng 68 could not respond beyond the 1st alarm because of the layout of the
streets in the Highbridge community.

Eng 72, 41 & 61 only have 1st alarm assignments, that is 1st, 2nd, & 3rd due boxes.

There are other companies through out the city that have restrictions on them.
I hope that this will give you an insight into this situation.

As for Eng 70 & Lad 53 - yes they are assigned to boxes off of City Island. There are 3 regular boxes & one special 8000's series box.
During the time period that Lad 53 was shut down & also when there was major construction on the City Island bridge, Eng 70 was kept on the island. Today they are back to their normal responses. If they lost box 4517 - Orchard Beach, they would lose a good percentage of their runs.
Didn’t think they were that slow…. Hear them all the time.
You have to understand the keyboard buffs know it all. But the people who have been there or know people there no nothing

Mac & Atlas covered a lot here.

Fire houses around the boroughs have maps of there response areas

They have a hand painted map made by a past member
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Probably the only retired member that lives in 52/52 1st due district (they were there when he had his heart attack) told me years ago that 52/52 was chock full of old "war horses" from the 6th Division. The neighborhood probably doesn't know how lucky it is.
You have to understand the keyboard buffs know it all. But the people who have been there or know people there no nothing

Mac & Atlas covered a lot here.

Fire houses around the boroughs have maps of there response areas

52s do not lol. They have a hand painted map
The hand painted map on the wall inside the station was a gift from a retiring firefighter to his active duty brothers. The member traveled each street gathering information about the area most likely over 30 years ago. Prior to that, a local bank had produced their own map of the area, but the demand for them caused them to rapidly disappear. Next, NYPD's 50th Pct produced maps of their various sectors. These maps contained updated info & was a great help. They even showed names of some of the extended driveways that the development created. Those maps were never made public.

While working in FDNY Hq there was a complain made to city hall about an address in Riverdale that the firefighters had trouble finding during an incident. It seems that a property owner had a modification made to his residence. A garage on the side of the home was converted into an office. Not wanting his business associated to realize that his home & office were located in the same structure, the owner created an address for a different nearby side street. Local postal officials were notified but that is far as the notifications went. Police, fire, & the borough president's mapping office were overlooked. So the day of the incident, the caller gave the business address and not the residential address. Units were sent to a street location & then were able to located the fire. This is why fire dispatchers always try to obtain cross streets from a caller. If I remember correctly the number that the owner picked was one digit while the rest of the side street had three digit numbers. Some of the Riverdale streets run a block or two, stop & then reappear about a half a mile away. There were incidents in that area where the residents decided to make their own street signs, of course with different street names on them.
As for Eng 70 & Lad 53...If they lost box 4517 - Orchard Beach, they would lose a good percentage of their runs.
Ah yes, the Bronx Riviera. That beach is actually very dangerous due to a sudden dropoff of the man-made sand shelf not too far out from the shoreline. Catches a lot of people by surprise, particularly children but also adults who might be more than a few beers deep on a hot day. Leads to a lot of work for lifeguards and EMS.
The Sleepless Knights 317 & 165 did not have assignments above the 1st Alarm thru the years.....that may have changed in the late '80s & certainly with more "modern" barb....I have seen 165 relocate to 126 when I was there but I don't think they relocate too often.....317 has also relocated somewhat recently......also not sure about 326 & 160 as far as Multiple Alarm assignments at least between 1984 when they were organized & the inception of barb ?.......on the relocation subject back when I was in 108 on Siegel St we only had one assigned relocation (on the old assignment cards) that was to relocate to 102 on the Fifth Alarm for Box 992 Vanderbilt Ave & Park Place.