6/11/23 Bronx 5th Alarm Box 3071

E-259 Act. 94,75,89,71
L-23 Act. 58,51 Act. 54,35 Act. 58(Fast)s/c
B-46 Act. 18,16 Act. 26s/c,11 Act. 19s/c
CAR-24 (Director of Technical Services)
CAR-24C (Director of Technical Services FTE)
CAR-11X (Captain of CTU)
CAR-4C (AC of Opps)
CAR-2H (Press Secretary)
CAR-4A (AC of Opps)
CAR-4G (AC of Opps)

E313 Act. E91 E305 Act. E88, E59 Act. 82 E62

E84 Act. E45
L138 Act. L41 L167 Act. 38 L48 L163 Act. 54

B35 Act. B18 B37 Act. 3

L43 Act. 27 L29 Act. 47 L19

E299 Act. 90 E60 Act. E64 E287 Act. 88 E75
B53 Act. 20 B4 Act. B19

E231 Act. ?? E93 Act.
L30 Act. ?? L42 L14 Act. 58

E205 Act. 82 E97
L13 Act. 31 L59 Act. 27

E47 Act. 96 E273 Act. 90 E58 Act. 46
L142 Act. 54 L116 Act. 56

L119 Act. 41

E317 Act. 48 E229 Act. 75 E301 Act. 89
B32 Act. 18 B10 Act. 26

B38 Act. 19 B14 B13

E292 Act. ??
L121 Act. ??

E220 Act. 88

L124 Act. 58(Fast) L9 Act. 58
B45 Act. 9

E38 E83

Under Control @03:03

Duration 7 Hours 54 Minutes

L-9 10-8 from the 5th Alarm Switching back to Manhattan @04:03

D-6 we are going to be 10-8 B-15 is the IC @04:11

E-238 on your frequency responding to Box 3071 @06:19

E238 E69

Engine 93 Act. Engine ??
Engine 292 Act. Engine ??
Engine 231 Act. Engine ??

Engine 218 Act. Engine 71
Engine 317 Act. Engine 48
Engine 229 Act. Engine 75

Engine 210 Act. Engine 42
Engine 299 Act. Engine 90
Engine 313 Act. Engine 90
Engine 305 Act. Engine 88
Engine 287 Act. Engine 88

Engine 264 Act. Engine 301
Engine 301 Act. Engine 89
Engine 306 Act. Engine 89
Engine 66 Act. Engine 90
Engine 273 Act. Engine 90

Engine 74 Act. Engine 92
Engine 73 Act. Engine 96
Engine 47 Act. Engine 96
Engine 60 Act. Engine 64

Engine 201 Act. Engine 64
Engine 58 Act. Engine 46
Engine 59 Act. Engine 82
Engine 205 Act. Engine 82
Engine 84 Act. Engine 45
Engine 259 Act. Engine 94

Engine 16 Act. Engine 94
Engine 305 Act. Engine 88
Engine 220 Act. Engine 88
Engine 297 Act. Engine 64
Engine 263 Act. Engine 82
Ladder 30 Act. Ladder ??
Ladder 121 Act. Ladder ??

Ladder 86 Act. Ladder 121
Ladder 9 Act. Ladder 58
Ladder 116 Act. Ladder 56
Ladder 44 Act. Ladder 58
Ladder 23 Act. Ladder 58
Ladder 35 Act. Ladder 58
Ladder 14 Act. Ladder 58
Ladder 43 Act. Ladder 27

Ladder 158 Act. Ladder 27
Ladder 59 Act. Ladder 27
Ladder 16 Act. Ladder 27
Ladder 51 Act. Ladder 54
Ladder 163 Act. Ladder 54

Ladder 127 Act. Ladder 54
Ladder 142 Act. Ladder 54
Ladder 115 Act. Ladder 54
Ladder 167 Act. Ladder 38
Ladder 138 Act. Ladder 41
Ladder 124 Act. Ladder 41
Ladder 119 Act. Ladder 41
Ladder 13 Act. Ladder 31

Ladder 131 Act. Ladder 19
Ladder 29 Act. Ladder 47
Ladder 81 Act. Ladder 85
Battalion 45 Act. Battalion 9
Battalion 16 Act. Battalion 26
Battalion 46 Act. Battalion 18
Battalion 35 Act. Battalion 18
Battalion 32 Act. Battalion 18
Battalion 37 Act. Battalion 3
Battalion 11 Act. Battalion 19
Battalion 4 Act. Battalion 19
Battalion 38 Act. Battalion 19
Battalion 53 Act. Battalion 20
Battalion 10 Act. Battalion 26
Thank You for the rest of the rundown Signal 73!!!
and then the same thing about TL86 to TL121 lol
L-86 to L-121 35-45 Mins leaving at that time 24.7 Miles
L-121 into the job 40 Mins leaving at that time 24.5 Miles
L-85 into the job 40 Mins leaving at that time 30.6 Miles
E-218 to E-71 40 Mins leaving at that time 12.5 Miles
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Three assistant operation chiefs, now what exactly would be their role at this incident that would require all three of them to be at the same incident.
Three assistant operation chiefs, now what exactly would be their role at this incident that would require all three of them to be at the same incident.
3rd Alarm Chief is the Citywide Tour Commander which is Car 4B yesterday and a Safety Laison Responds C12B or C12C depending who is on call.

4th Alarm Chief is normally Chief of Ops Car 4 but he was in for Chief of Dept Car 3 so another Asst Chief was on call which would be Car 4A… also Chief of Safety which Car 4C is acting Safety Command

5th Alarm would be Chief if Department but Car 4 was acting last night….
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I counted 43 engines, 31 trucks and 20 BCs on the alarm. Pretty large fire department, probably top 10
As of 0600, total number of companies assigned to this box (counting from the rundown provided by HC and Signal):

44 Engine Companies
36 Ladder Companies
26 BCs

Plus countless relocations
Wow, That’s over 20% of the engines and about 25% of the ladders. Including the Safety, Haz-Mat & Marine Battalions, there are 52 battalions on-duty… 50% of the battalions were involved.

A couple other thoughts:

With it being a high intensity, extended operation, I wonder if a Division Chief was activated to become Acting Tour Commander under the designation of 421 or 422?

There was a 10-77 in Manhattan that RAC 5 was assigned to. RAC 5 then responded to the 2nd Alarm in Brooklyn. The other 4 RACs were in the Bronx. I wonder if any thought was given to perhaps staffing RAC 6? RACs usually staffed with 2, but they can run with 1FF.
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Wow, That’s over 20% of the engines and about 25% of the ladders. Including the Safety, Haz-Mat & Marine Battalions, there are 52 battalions on-duty… 50% of the battalions were involved.

A couple other thoughts:

With it being a high intensity, extended operation, I wonder if a Division Chief was activated to become Acting Tour Commander under the designation of 421 or 422?

There was a 10-77 in Manhattan that RAC 5 was assigned to. RAC 5 then responded to the 2nd Alarm in Brooklyn. The other 4 RACs were in the Bronx. I wonder if any thought was given to perhaps staffing RAC 6? RACs usually staffed with 2, but they can run with 1FF.
There is always 2 DCs assigned to 421 & 422 per tour. They switched out DC7 with DC6 so the bronx still had coverage. The RACs had to go back to their quarters to restock and get ready so they were OOS for a bit. No need to recall for a RAC
Side question after watching both the response videos from Majesterium and Skyler: Just before all the tower ladders were up and running and command was telling whatever engine company was still inside to drop their line clear the top floors, it looked like TL41 had a hell of a leak shooting out of the side of their bucket supply line. Is that a designed overpressure release or a case of bad pipe section seals?
Side question after watching both the response videos from Majesterium and Skyler: Just before all the tower ladders were up and running and command was telling whatever engine company was still inside to drop their line clear the top floors, it looked like TL41 had a hell of a leak shooting out of the side of their bucket supply line. Is that a designed overpressure release or a case of bad pipe section seals?
l saw that, never saw it before, seemed to me like a leak, but just guessing.