6/19/21 Brooklyn 10-75 Box 3614

Jan 20, 2014
Fire Location: 2920 Brighton 8th St

E-245 gave the 10-75

Fire in a PD

L-153 Fast

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Nov 4, 2008
Fire in basement, but having trouble locating source. Extra E/T 246. 166.
2-story 40' x 40' PD. Initial searches were negative.
Found fire in closet on 1st. floor, made hole to basement, Water on Fire :5:25pm by B. 43.
btw: What is the siqnificance of a duration of 20mins.? Dispatch seemed to stress it.
MBFKD by 5:32pm, checking crawl spaces for any victims.
Div. 8 two additional trucks at 5:36pm----156,172.
Call Buildings Dept. for illegal apartments set up in basement----6:02pm, PWH already given. Div. 8.
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May 6, 2010
Department Order No. 45/21
QUOTE.." Communications Manual, Chapter 8, titled Radio Communications dated July 8, 2008, is amended, as follows:
Under Section 8.9.11 Insert: The following, to read:
Regardless of prior progress reports and previous duration incident announcements, structural fire incidents at the 20-minute mark, the borough dispatcher will notify the IC, via the Department radio of the following: “The incident duration is now 20 minutes”. After the IC acknowledges, the borough dispatcher will then announce over the borough frequency the following with an alert tone once:
Alert Tone - “Units into Box XXXX, the incident duration is now 20 minutes”. The borough dispatcher will then repeat this notification over the borough frequency, preceded by an alert tone.
The Incident Commander shall acknowledge this transmission and shall subsequently announce to all operating units on the scene “The duration of this fire is now 20 minutes” on each radio channel in use at the operation.
This notification does not mandate a change in tactics or procedures if the IC does not feel a change is warranted. However, it should serve as a clear and definitive notification to all members of the length of time that units have been operating at the incident.
Affected pages 26-32 (Rev. 04/15/21) reflecting this change have been issued to all Bureaus and Divisions for equal distribution to all units under their command" UNQUOTE................This is basically a reminder for the already overburdened Incident Commander of the time passed since the initial Alarm was transmitted......considerations are burn time of the bldg's structural components & the amount of time Members are exposed ....these are just two of the initial considerations that might be overlooked until things come together at the Command level.....also the 20 minute mark is a time to possibly re evaluate the operational plan.....is it working or not ? ...is a different strategy warranted ? ..... the initial arrival period can be hectic & time can fly by ..... this 20 minute reminder may re focus the IC......also the "Incident Duration" announced after each Progress Report also puts the total time frame in perspective to consider how things are going.
May 11, 2021
Where I worked we had a 15 minute mark indicator for all calls. As already stated, there were reasons such as burn time and SCBA. But the number one reason for our operation was because in the first 15 minutes with all the chaos going on and directions being given and trying to figure out what was really the extent of a situation, time can runaway from the IC, especially if no formal command post has been set up and no true ICS has been established. The 15 minute mark was saying, "We know you're busy, but have you called for what you need?" At times officers said they would stand back and say to themselves, "Wow, that was 15 minutes! Let's see the fire is still coming out the front windows and now smoke is coming from under the eves. I'm striking the 2nd Alarm." Sometimes the officer would come back and just say, "Received", which was understood to mean he had a full understanding of the situation.

Brush Fire - After 15 minutes - It's knocked down but this is going to be a long overhaul. Request an additional engine. Car Accident - After 15 minutes - We're not much closer to extricating this guy, we better try something else or get more aggressive.

Of course these are oversimplifications but I think you get the point. Not saying it was right or wrong, but it worked for us.