6/20/10 Brooklyn Box 1634 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
East Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY, 6/20/10

Address: 247 E94 st between Winthrop St and Clarkson Ave

Box 1634
Engs. 283, 310, 227
L174, TL120
Battalion 44

10-75-1634 -09:14 hours
TL170 S/C for Window Bars
L123 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 38
Rescue 2
Squad 252
Division 15

CIDS for 247 E94 st:
MD 2 story 20x80 class 3.  Window bars in basement on exposure.  Bulkhead on roof.

7-5-1634 - 09:20 hours - Duration 9 minutes
Battalion 44: Box 1634 we're using All-Hands for fire in the basement near the electrical panel of a 2 story 20x100.  Address is 247 E94 st.  We have 1lso, searches in progress, trucks are opening up, all fire has been knocked down, fire is Doubtful.

Exposures are:
1 - street
2 - alley
3 - yard
4 - similar attached

09:26 hours - Duration 15 minutes
Division 15: Primaries throughout the fire building are negative, primaries in exposure 4 are negative, fire's Probably Will Hold.

09:26 hours
Rescue 2 is 10-8

09:31 hours - Duration 20 minutes
DC15: Secondary searches on the 1st and 2nd floor in the fire building are complete and negative.  Secondaries are negative in exposure 4.  Can you have ConEd respond, fire in wires in the walls, may have to shut the utilities down from the street.  Probably Will Hold.

09:35 hours
ConEd reports a 1 hour ETA

09:37 hours - Duration 25 minutes
DC15: All secondaries are complete and negative, you can put Box 1634 All-Hands Under Control.