6/26/10 Brooklyn Box 719 - All Hands

Nov 27, 2007
Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY, 6/26/10

Address: 126 Melrose St between Evergreen Ave and Stanwix St

Phone Box 719 - Report of a structural fire
Engs. 218, 237, 217
L112, TL124
Battalion 28

10-75-719 - 16:25 hours
E218 to Brooklyn with an URGENT!  10-75 the Box, Box 719!
TL111 S/C*
L108 (FAST Truck)
Battalion 37
Squad 252
Rescue 2
Division 11

*additional Tower Ladder assigned due to previous fire at this location

7-5-719 - 16:30 hours
Battalion 28: We have a large area of fire outside of the building in a 50 foot alleyway.  Fire is extending to exposure 2, both buildings are factories.  Supplying the tower ladder now, we're getting water on f the fire now, using All-Hands, I'll get back to you with a size-up.

16:38 hours - Duration 14 minutes
Division 11: Box 719, we have a large area of rubbish, no affected structure.  We have slight extension to exposure 2.  We have 1 handline stretched, 1 tower ladder in operation, we have the Battalion 37 heading to see what exposure 3 looks like.  Searches are underway, this fire is Doubtful, k.

16:48 hours - Duration 24 minutes
DC11: Box 719, fire's darkening down, this is a deep-seated rubbish fire.  Primaries in exposures 2 and 4 are negative, there is no exposure problem with 3.  Fire will remain Doubtful, this will be a prolonged operation.

16:54 hours - Duration 30 minutes
DC11: Box 719, we're going to go Probably Will Hold.  We have 2 lines stretched and a tower ladder in operation.  Primary search of the rubbish conducted via exterior visual is negative.  Further searches will be delayed, we're going to have extensive overhauling, we're going to let Rescue and Squad take up.

16:57 hours
DC11: 10-8, Battalion 28's Incident Commander.

17:26 hours
TL135, T106 S/C for relief

17:53 hours - Duration 1 hour 29 minutes
BC28: 719 is Under Control.
Mar 8, 2007
This job was in that unique area where you can get 4 single engines (218, 237, 217 & 230) in before the 1st truck.