7/2/21 Queens Unusual Incident Box 7390

Jan 20, 2014
Location: 35-01 36 Ave

Crane leaning on a building

Under Control @09:36

E-319 & L-144 for relief @10:43

L-144 to relieve L-163 in front of the building
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Is a relief company randomly assigned or is it a pre planed thing?
Not 100% sure

If it for relief for say under an hour it might be close available

If it’s extended relief IE a lot of times it’s every 3 hours for longer duration incident they will pull from other boroughs

Sometimes if they want a certain size Tower IE a 95 footer as opposed to a 75 footer they might know who to grab

Like I said not 100% sure. Some one else here might have a 100% answer
7-3-21...0115 hrs Crane operations suspended until the morning.... the crane is fully cribbed .....275 for the watch line BN*46 is 10-8.