8/14/10 Brooklyn - Unusual Incident

Nov 27, 2007
Location: vicinity of West 8th St and Surf Ave
Time: approx. 23:00 hours

A isolated power failure occurred in the area, knocking out power to the quarters of E245/TL161/BC43, the adjoining police precinct, and the nearby West 8th St subway station.  Battalion 43 reports signals out on the F and Q lines with trains between stations, power out to the firehouse and precinct, ConEd is on scene and has been working for a while.
Power out in the firehouse?  Gee, I guess that knocks out the voice alarm and the CADS equipment.

Good thing the bells are still working.  ::)
There is a Batallion Chief in this house.  I was told that there is a generator at every house where there is a Batallion.  Therefore all essential circuits should be powered.
  Wow! :eek: I was in Coney Island that evening between 10:45 & 11:pM southbound on W. 8th St. towards Surf Ave. . I saw smoke coming from a sidewalk grating opposite from the firehouse, stopped to see what it was and if I should notify someone in the firehouse but my wife told me: "Don't bother, it looks like nothing" so I continued to where I was going.  :mad: :(
ALL BN & DIV Hqs are supposed to have a generator  .......either the add on red one which originally was towable but now is permanently installed..... or in newer houses ......a built in one in the basement......in a combined FD PD bldg the generator might be on the PD side but hooked into both sides. .....the 60 pct is next to BN*43.
guitarman314 said:
   stopped to see what it was and if I should notify someone in the firehouse but my wife told me: "Don't bother, it looks like nothing" so I continued to where I was going.  :mad: :(

  G-man, sounds like me and my wife. I'd want to hang around, maybe take a few pictures and then Rap with the Brothers. Meantime, she's tapping her feet, waiting to go shopping and spend that retirement check I worked for.
nfd2004 said:
guitarman314 said:
   stopped to see what it was and if I should notify someone in the firehouse but my wife told me: "Don't bother, it looks like nothing" so I continued to where I was going.  :mad: :(

  G-man, sounds like me and my wife. I'd want to hang around, maybe take a few pictures and then Rap with the Brothers. Meantime, she's tapping her feet, waiting to go shopping and spend that retirement check I worked for.
  YOU'RE RIGHT ;) ;D ;D ;D
Love it, when Kelly says " they all look the same" when we take a detour to a fire house.
The radio:    "....urgent....10-75..."

The wife:      " will you PLEASE turn that thing off?".      ;)

"rdm" and "bklyn", I can sure relate to those two kinds of stories. Well, as it goes, "what is it", "for better or worse" ?????
that grating has been smoking for 2 months. go on that box twice a day for a car smoking or manhole fire. con edsaysits just steam. the 60 didnt have a generator. con ed had to park a truck outside with a generator and stretch electric cords into both the precinct and firehouse
When I got married 25 yrs ago the new wife and I spent our "first night" at our own apt., as we were leaving the next morning on our honeymoon. She sees the scanner on the night stand and it's on. She says," it that thing gonna stay on 24/7 ?? " I says "dear,... you knew that before you married me, and in a week, you won't even know it's on." Well, just like I told her, I was right, and she doesn't even hear it today, as I've got the scanner as well as the  department pager as commissioner. Yes fellas, I'm still married to that gal and pretty happily too. I guess I just picked right.  ;) ;)
The wife and the scanner. When I got married my wife was from Chicago and I was from Boston. She knew what I did. Returning from our honeymoon in 1978 we saw a large plume of smoke. I had my hand-held under the seat and turned it on. We ended up at Box 5-7117. I had a speaker hooked up on the night stand with an on-off switch! And you are right!! They can tune it out!! And we can hear it in the dead of night, or daytime if you are entertaining! All of a sudden you hear beep beep, beep, beep beep beep, beep beep beep beep beep, and your ears perk up Every now and then I turn to scan america and listen. When they strike the box I get excited!! Old school dies hard, doesn't it? Been married 30+, our son is a suburban Chicao FF. Was it the sperm or the egg??????
True, I have the pager on the nightstand right next to me, and most would say it's too loud. Wife doesn't hear it per the usual. One night she says to me after a job came in, you goin?? I says ,... nah, the boys deployed like a squad of Navy Seals, they're doing fine. O.K. says she and goes back to sleep (I did marry the right gal for me).

I still listened just to make sure it didn't go. Now as the Commish, I don't want my boys to think I want to micro manage. I can go,.... but I have confidence in my team. I still want to go (old firehorse)......., but I got hold back some to let them know I trust them and their judgment.

On vacation last month, I got the wife to let us stop by my old "house" (e-211) in Brooklyn. The brothers recieved me and my sons like I had never left, and made us feel right at home. The wife and daughters waited outside in the car, (by choice) and were very patient, knowing it meant a lot to me to show my sons (ages 21, & 15) dad's old station. Station hasn't changed much over the years, except they have a memorial to one of our own members who was a line of duty loss within the last year or so. Sad to see, but proud of the remaining brothers for honoring the fallen. I was glad we stopped by.

We old fire horses, are fire horses forever,  right brothers?? :D ;D
E-211 said:
We old fire horses, are fire horses forever,  right brothers?? :D ;D

That certainly is a TRUE Statement. And a "Tip of the Hat" to the ladies who have put up with this stuff over the years. During our almost 34 years of marrige, I have chased fires in NYC, Providence, Bridgeport, and a few in Boston. Sometimes I would come home at 5 AM just as the Mrs is getting up to go to work. I'd smell of smoke, take a shower, give the Mrs a smooch good bye, and I'd go to bed, as she headed to work.
  In addition, I'd spend 42 hours a week in the firehouse I worked at in Norwich, Ct. My brother would often stop by the house and we'd talk Fire Dept. He was on the job in Bridgeport. The guys I worked with would also stop by. You guessed it, fire dept talk.
  I look back at it now, I just don't know how I found time to mow the lawn, or paint the house. And God only knows how that Great Wife I have, stayed married to me.