9/12/22 AH Brooklyn Box 3658 Search Beach Poss.Victims in Water

Jun 15, 2012
BD: Btn.43-Brighton 6 St. Coney Isl. Boardwalk Caller Reports: Poss. EDP Female on Boardwalk

Wearing Robe states 'She Drowned her 3 Children' ... .

apprx.04:00 Btn.43. Female Subject in c/o NYPD, EMS

approx. 04;00 Btn.43: AH Operate-s/c Additional BC; Marine Unit, s/c NYPD Aviation

Instruct Various Units to proceed to Beach Search from W.6 to W.29 St. Check for 'Footprints', Check Water for Poss. Vic.s

Should be: E.246, 245, 254,318, L.169[Water Rescue], 161, 153, 166FAST, M9, Btn.42, Sqd.1, Res.2,

NYPD Reports- Aviation Not Operating- Weather Conditions

AH: Div. 8, RB, Btn.42, M.6

04:11 Btn. 43: Release Res.2, Sqd.1 for AH Box 3104 * https://nycfire.net/forums/threads/9-12-22-brooklyn-10-75-box-3014.73124/ *

*About 20 Units Operating in 'Brooklyn South'

04:22 Div.8 10-84 IC

04:47 Div.8: Request Mixer-Off BD: 10-4 Report Recv'd. 04:47 [?]

04:59 Div.8: Mixer-Off BD: Report Rcv'd. 04:59

05:03: BD: Go UC ? Div.8: 10-4 UC Duration: 1hr. 40Min.s

05:32 BD: Div.8 - Call This Office
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3 Children have been found West 35 & the Shore

CPR in Progress. All under the age of 10
Unfortunately I slept through the initial calls on this incident and thought there was a Drill of some kind in progress. Such a drill of an Active Shooter at the Cyclones ballpark was once held about 5 years ago. FD/PD/EMS were running back and forth on Surf Ave. and side streets near beach and disappearing and reappearing from fog. This was about 4:50am.
But thanks to STAjo and this blog, I quickly got caught up!