
May 6, 2010
Fifty Years ago today on 9-14-68 Two Hundred Fifty young Men started a great journey as NYC Firemen.....six weeks of instruction at the old Welfare Island Training facility then assigned to our first Unit on 10-26-68......Continued Rest In Peace to those no longer with us.

Congratulations Chief. Thank you for that journey, and all the other members who started their careers with you.
Congratulations, Chief, to you and your classmates for your dedication and achievements.
Congratulations Chief, and I'm willing to bet if able to do it all over again, "you would". As I understand it, you began your career serving in Ladder Co 108. Then along the way you also worked in Rescue 2, Eng/Sqd 41, Ladder 126, Ladder 175, Engine 275, and then becoming B/C in the 46th Battalion.

But 9-14-68 is also an important date for another well known, well respected, Retired FDNY member as well. He is well known and respected by many of us here as well. Another retired FDNY member who I'm sure would do it all over again if given the chance. Another individual who as some would refer to it as; "Is still into the job".

I am talking about this sites Administrator, Retired Captain John B., aka "jbendick". Captain John B serving in Engine 96, Squad 2, Engine 75, Engine 68 and Engine 23.

Yes, both Jack K, aka "68jk09" and John B, aka "jbendick", began their careers together on that date as new Probies. About to begin their new journey as members of the FDNY. Both having served during combat in the Viet Nam War.

But what nobody really knew or expected then was that they would begin their careers just as the historic FDNY War Years were beginning.  Where the number of fires would reach staggering numbers for anyone to comprehend or imagine. It would go on for most of their entire careers. There would be documentaries made about it, stories would be told about it, and people would see on national television the results of it. Parts on New York City often times resembling Third World Countries in a war torn area. All as a result of this staggering number of fires entire city blocks and entire neighborhoods would be destroyed.

These two highly respected retired FDNY members were a part of that 250 member Probie Class starting on 9-14-68.

Today, many of us here have become personnel friends to these two retired members of the FDNY.
I would also add to those who don't know this, just mention the names retired B/C Jack K, or retired Captain John B., and you are sure to hear, just as many of us have heard, how members both active and retired of the FDNY, have a high amount of respect for these two firefighters.

For anybody who ever served within the fire department, no matter where it was; "being respected by those who you have worked with means much more than anything else". And in most cases, that doesn't always come easy.

I hope that Retired FDNY B/C Jack K., and Retired Captain John B., have many more Happy and Healthy years of retirement. There is no doubt that these guys certainly deserve it.
For me I consider it an HONOR to be your friend.

congrats to both!
and thank you both for sharing your informative and dedicated posts.
much appreciated.
Congratulations to you both, gentlemen. I'll bet the time has flown. Thanks for your stories, the histories and all you do for us. Enjoy your memories.