Ahhh. Laura K name surfaces in Turkish Embassy debacle

Is this any different than the pressure a probie is under when he "gets in the sink" at 210 back in the day?
Not claiming her innocence or ignorance, but shes definitely being set up to take the fall for adams, which is a bit unfair. If she goes, he needs to go too. He has done far worse than her, and will continue to do so if not removed from office and jailed. Not that his likely replacement, Jumanee Williams would be any better(I think he'd be worse, but the city charter states that the speaker of the city council is next in line to replace the mayor in most, if not all outcomes)...either way, its going to be a fascinating, if not scary few weeks if this scandal continues to grow(which it likely will.)
Not claiming her innocence or ignorance, but shes definitely being set up to take the fall for adams, which is a bit unfair. If she goes, he needs to go too. He has done far worse than her, and will continue to do so if not removed from office and jailed. Not that his likely replacement, Jumanee Williams would be any better(I think he'd be worse, but the city charter states that the speaker of the city council is next in line to replace the mayor in most, if not all outcomes)...either way, its going to be a fascinating, if not scary few weeks if this scandal continues to grow(which
This gets more and more interesting by the day