Apparatus Front Line Lifespan

Jan 10, 2013
Forgive if this has already been asked in another thread - I was not able to find it if it was. What is the typical front line lifespan of FDNY's engines and aerials?
I had heard somewhere that the firefighters' union prevents frontline rigs exceeding 10 years of frontline service, but it seems to me that most companies receive new rigs between 13-15 years.
The policy was 10 years which was interpreted into 10 years 364 days by city, due to KME being let go the 2008 Seagrave pumpers are past due for replacement and I think one Seagrave has been delivered under new contract they got after KME. Few years back units with past due apparatus couldn?t go out on inspection duty by union contract with older rigs. May have changed this with newer contracts.
With all the runs that engine companies do i.e. fire duty and EMS, my warped mind wonders how many starters are burnt out yearly on these rigs. I guess I am really bored
fdce54 said:
Is the Seagrave assembly plant shut down like all the auto plants are?
Good question, I'm guessing it would fall under Essential Services and not be required to close. However, knowing how government agencies operate they may have been mandated to close. I haven't heard about a lot of problems in Wisconsin is the spread of the virus however.
My Dept had a truck driven back to Seagrave and repaired and is supposed to be back any day. They are still at least doing repairs
The first 2020 seagrave pumper looks like it will be assigned to e245 and the I’m not sure but the 2nd one may be engine 40 which was spotted at the rock
Thank you all - good info. Was curious as I heard the union contract stated rigs had to be replaced by the 10 year mark. I could understand the 2008s and 2009s being past due after the issue with KME, but I also noticed several of the 2003s were replaced as late as 2016, maybe later.
As far as the new Seagraves - E245 looks great. Hopefully the companies will have good luck with them!