Boston box 2- 1575 Marlboroh/Dartmouth.

Jun 27, 2007
All second alrm companies ladder the building with 35 and 40' ladders, E-5 covering
e-10. Fire location 231 Marlborough St. E-39 reports heavy fire in the basement, units working, heavy fire knocked down.  TL-3 and TL-17 making progress. (These are not FDNY TL's, they are Pierce TL. E-33 reports heavy fire knocked down on 2 floor. TL-3 and 17 doing secondary searches.TL-17 reports search searches are negative on the roof.  Malboro command (2-1575) reports fire from the basement . Just as an inside comment, caught this box as a fifth in the dead of winter. E-33 was first due,  the first hydrant was blocked by a Mercendez. 33 run a hydrant line and made sure the had a connection that "leaked" water to the engine. Temp was minus 10, the Benz was frozen in place. Payback is a mother.. Fire building 4 story,
Back Bay box - should be E 33 and L 15 first due

By the way - famous 1975 photo of fire on Marlboro street when fire escape collapsed while ladder rescue was in progress
Here's a quick rundown from It originally came in as an AFA Still Alarm for 33/15's. Engine 33 arrived and struck a full box. 2nd Alarm transmitted w/2 & 2 S/C by Command. Another excellent job by the BFD.

Date: 12-06-11
Time: 19:21hrs.
Box: 1575
Area: Back Bay
Location: 197 Marlborough St.
Frequency: Boston Fireground
Weather Conditions: Cool
Description Of Incident: Fire in the basement, rear of a 4-story brick attached OMD w/extension to the 1st floor. 2nd Alarm transmitted by District 4. Numerous L/S/O's w/quick k/d. Ladder Companies opening up. 2 & 2 S/C on the 2nd Alarm by District 4 and Division 1(C6-DC-Comm.). Multiple victims rescued by companies o/s. All searches negative.
Units Operating: BFD; BPD; BEMS

Activated Fire Alarm(Still Alarm) Assignment:

Engine 33
Ladder 15

Box Assignment:

Engine 7, Engine 22
Tower Ladder 17
Rescue 1
District 4

R.I.T./Rehab. Assignment:

Engine 3(R.I.T.)
Ladder 26(R.I.T.)
District 3(R.I.T.)
W25(Rehab. Unit)

2nd Alarm Assignment:

Engine 4, Engine 37, Engine 39, Engine 10(S/C R.I.T.), Engine 52(S/C)
Ladder 24, Tower Ladder 3, Ladder 18(S/C R.I.T.), Ladder 16(S/C)
District 6, District 7(Act.)
Division 1(C6-DC-Comm.)
H1(Safety Officer)
W12(Air Unit)

19:21hrs. - Still Alarm Assignment for an Activated Fire Alarm transmitted by Fire Alarm for 197 Marlborough St.

19:28hrs. - Assignment for Box 1575 transmitted by Engine 33 for Beacon St. x Dartmouth St. Fire in the rear basement w/extension and victims trapped at 197 Marlborough St.

19:29hrs. - R.I.T./Rehab. Assignment transmitted by Fire Alarm.

19:35hrs. - 2nd Alarm transmitted by District 4.

19:37hrs. - 1 & 1 S/C for R.I.T. on the 2nd Alarm by District 4.

20:46hrs. - 1 & 1 S/C on the 2nd Alarm by Division 1(C6-DC-Comm.)

20:56hrs. - All Companies Out.

22:24hrs. - Command terminating detail.
BFD still uses fire alarm boxes.  Not everyone has an iPhone or BlackBerry.  Not everyone keeps their phones charged.  Not eveyone is always in an area with cell phone coverage.  You pull an alarm box in Boston and BFD responds to you.

E 33 L 15 firehouse (one of oldest and busiest in New England)

Skyscrapers, colleges, thousands of college students and Fenway Park in response area. 
Mack you are so right. We are so dependent on new technology it is scary. I lost cell phone service last week, I had to drive 20 miles before I found a pay phone. All it will take is one hacker to disrupt our communications. Terrorists will not need to worry about the airports, they can do more damage on our communications system. If an alien landed on our planet they would think we are all born with a cell phone in our ear! Me personally, the less it is on the less aggrevation!!!