The re-activation of Engine 261 is different from calling for additional units in Hudson Yards.
Engine 261 was not closed because of operational needs. They were running calls and their area did not have a reduction of hazards or population. In fact today, the population and potential challenges are greater than before. They were closed for financial reasons. The city did not wish to allocate the funds to keep them operating. They did not say that the company wasn't necessary. The need for their existence is known, documented, and equal to or greater than before. Reactivating the company is a matter of allocating the funds, not re-justifying the statistics.
Engine 19, on the other hand, has been gone from the Hudson Yards area since 1947. The hazards and the population have changed dramatically since then. The company was disbanded along with other companies because activity levels and military logistics hazards along the piers and yards dropped in the post war (WW2) years. Some of those companies were redeployed as new units in other parts of the city. Now the demands are expected to increase beyond the capabilities of the present area companies, so additional companies will be needed.