Busiest Truck Company

Mar 3, 2007
On another website, it was stated that Engine 94 set a record for most runs by an engine company with approximately 1300 runs one month.

I was wondering if anyone knew which truck company set a similar record for most runs by a truck for one month.

Thanks and regards to all
Ghetto Gladiator said:
Best ever for me was 911 runs one April around 71     L-103, E.NY sect. of bklyn

  I know that I reported "58 Truck', BUT, I do remember following the runs of the busiest companies VERY Closely over the years, and L-103 seems to me now was ALWAYS at the TOP. So that said, I have to guess that "Ghetto Gladiator" makes a very good point. Same thing for the Engine Cos. Eng 290 (with L 103) was always at the top too.
Hello everybody...I stated the info that ENG*94 held the record for runs in ONE month which was topping  1300...they only did this one month.....another question was then asked ...."did anybody know what TRUCK had the highest amount in ONE month"......someone asked if it was LAD*58 with a question mark.....I dont think it was LAD* 58 but I do not have any info on who it may have been. 
Was it true that if a company reached that magic number of so and so runs they would be sent to a slower district, like in the span of a tour? I remember reading that some captains especially those busy brooklyn companies, Ladder 103 and 120 for example, would make sure they always had a few less than that magic number of runs. Maybe Ghetto Gladiator you can verify that for me.

Thanks a lot.

Big A... The boss would always get a consensus,  Many guys.  myself included,  would have side jobs and family stuff and a few hours in bunk city wouldn't hurt facing 27 runs and 2 jobs.  It was 5 hours fire duty or 30 runs,  if memory serves me right,  Then we could inter- change.

As you can see I've also asked the question over here. Maybe we'll find out. Opinion seems to lean towards 120 or 103.
Not to take any thing away from 120, they used to take a mark for a 9-2 as a worker 'cause they made a search so the stats were a little off as for runs, they were up there.  Wonderful bunch of guys to have coming in behind you.