Captain Exam No. 1551 Established

Dumb question #76899: What are the chances of someone whose number on the list is over 600 ever being promoted while the list is used? Or does the list stay in force until exhausted? How many captains are there in FDNY? At one per company, there would be 357 . . . but I'm sure there are a bunch in administrative/other positions.
Dumb question #76899: What are the chances of someone whose number on the list is over 600 ever being promoted while the list is used? Or does the list stay in force until exhausted? How many captains are there in FDNY? At one per company, there would be 357 . . . but I'm sure there are a bunch in administrative/other positions.
Not sure the answers to your other questions, but the old captains list is on the UFOA website. Looks like it was established in 2016 and they promoted about 200 captains on a list of about 650.
Not sure the answers to your other questions, but the old captains list is on the UFOA website. Looks like it was established in 2016 and they promoted about 200 captains on a list of about 650.
They are actually into the 500’s currently. Looks like that’s where it will end. Typically the range is 800 for LTs and 400 Capts. Obviously with pandemic the lists were extended. Unknown what the future will hold.
Dumb question #76899: What are the chances of someone whose number on the list is over 600 ever being promoted while the list is used? Or does the list stay in force until exhausted? How many captains are there in FDNY? At one per company, there would be 357 . . . but I'm sure there are a bunch in administrative/other positions.
Can never say never. Depending on need due to retirements, sometimes guys don't take the promotion due to different reasons, don't want to leave the division, really like their house they're at, travel time, home situations. So the list can move or not.