Chicago: Still Alarm- 7718 s. Trumbull

Apr 28, 2008
12/19/08- 7718 s. Trumbull

Eng. 15, 64
Trk. 31, 41       
Batt. 20

17:18- Battalion 20 is on scene with a working fire.
Squad 5, command van 2-7-4, R.I.T. is Trk 50 and the 18 battalion

17:25- Batt 20 reports 2 lines on the fire, fire is almost out. Fire was on first floor with extensions to the second. primary search is underway. hold the squad.
Squad 5 is returning

17:28- Batt 20 is holding up CV 2-7-4 and the R.I.T. response.
CV 2-7-4, Trk 50, and Batt 18 returning

17:35- Batt 20 appears to be an abandon building 1 1/2 story frame, 20x25. all searches clear. overhauling underway. Fire is out. Request O.F.I.

17:48- batt 20 request con ed, power line down in sector 3 of the house. All companies are picking up.
