Covering bosses

The Division handles officer manpower. The Sequence as it’s called occurs over 25 day cycles. So there are 16 Sequences a year. when a regular assigned officer goes on Vacation, a covering officer will be assigned to that group in that company. If there are more covering officers than vacation spots they will be assigned to a SA group number. And will be assigned to any company that is OPEN on the days their group is in. Hard to really explain, but it’s not complicated.
Who decides who is in which group? How often to group assignments change
In each Battalion, when you look at the group charts as a whole you will notice that the officer groups are different in each company, meaning not all Lt. are in groups say 1, 7, 20 whatever. And the Capt. are not in the same groups. This is to make sure that the open group is not the same in each company at the same time, that a covering Lt in the Batt can cover those openings each time in different companies. The same would be said for Capt. open groups in the Division, the covering Capt can cover those open groups in different companies within the Division. Also, if the need arises to move guys up in rank during the tour to make Acting officers then there is always an officer in each rank available to do this, in theory.
A LT will never get a acting out of title mark for covering a tour for a Captain. That only goes for FF to LT, or Capt to BC. While certain groups are designated as a Capt, group, if they hire a LT instead it’s regarded as the same thing. They try to keep FF acting to a absolute minimum, I’ve done it a few times for a couple hours, unless it’s in the middle of the night, or towards the end of the tour they will hire a Officer from home to come in. The FF will
Still get the Acting out of title mark for the whole tour though. The other officer in house usually handles any administrative stuff that comes across, since FF do not have any login abilities.
Who decides who is in which group? How often to group assignments change?
Those group assignments for each company where set up long ago, my guess when the company was created. There are 3 Lt spots and one Capt. spot per company. When an officer is assigned to a company he goes into an open slot and stays there until he transfers, gets promoted or retires then another officer of the same rank gets assigned to that company into that spot.
That is great feedback and it does make sense. Thanks for explaining it. I forgot about the chauffeur being up front and using the radio/MDT when he replays stuff for the officer back to the borough. I like it when the borough asks the engine or ladder a question and the officer is out of the vehicle and the chauffer responds, "Stand-by, let me check with the boss." (y)
When I buffed with my local engine, back before 9/11, the Lt got hurt on a job. The senior man became the acting officer until someone showed up. They didn’t go out of service.
A LT will never get a acting out of title mark for covering a tour for a Captain. That only goes for FF to LT, or Capt to BC. While certain groups are designated as a Capt, group, if they hire a LT instead it’s regarded as the same thing. They try to keep FF acting to a absolute minimum, I’ve done it a few times for a couple hours, unless it’s in the middle of the night, or towards the end of the tour they will hire a Officer from home to come in. The FF will
Still get the Acting out of title mark for the whole tour though. The other officer in house usually handles any administrative stuff that comes across, since FF do not have any login abilities.
Two questions - You refer to being assigned to an SA. What does SA stand for?

Second question - If the Captain for a company has to be out 3 months for a medical reason, does another captain get assigned to cover that company, or does a Lieut. get promoted as an Acting Captain during the absence?

Two questions - You refer to being assigned to an SA. What does SA stand for?

Second question - If the Captain for a company has to be out 3 months for a medical reason, does another captain get assigned to cover that company, or does a Lieut. get promoted as an Acting Captain during the absence?

On long term ML, usually have a covering Capt. assigned to the company until the return of the company assigned Capt. from ML
Two questions - You refer to being assigned to an SA. What does SA stand for?

Second question - If the Captain for a company has to be out 3 months for a medical reason, does another captain get assigned to cover that company, or does a Lieut. get promoted as an Acting Captain during the absence?

Many of these questions are Division specific- meaning certain Divisions do things differently than others. A Captain out of his company for awhile may or may not get a covering Captain into the spot. The Division may decide to leave it open.

SA stands for Special Assignment. It basically means covering officer not assigned to a company but also means they are not doing a vacation or medical leave in a specific company, where they will be there for a few weeks.

The big reason why a Captain spot “matters” is when they need Captains to ABC. Doesn’t really have much to do with a company “needing” a captain. Lieutenants and Captains relieve each other and operate at the same boxes together with rank having no relevance in terms of decisions at an operation.
Many of these questions are Division specific- meaning certain Divisions do things differently than others. A Captain out of his company for awhile may or may not get a covering Captain into the spot. The Division may decide to leave it open.

SA stands for Special Assignment. It basically means covering officer not assigned to a company but also means they are not doing a vacation or medical leave in a specific company, where they will be there for a few weeks.

The big reason why a Captain spot “matters” is when they need Captains to ABC. Doesn’t really have much to do with a company “needing” a captain. Lieutenants and Captains relieve each other and operate at the same boxes together with rank having no relevance in terms of decisions at an operation.
Right on point.. Usually with ABCs what a Division will do is most senior Capt in division will be chosen & detailed to be the ABC but also if Capt is on list to be promoted to BC he'll most likely be one detailed out before a senior Capt due to he will be promoted in soon so let him get the experience. 13th Division was done that way
Just thinking when I was appointed to FDNY the Fire Commissioner was Robert O. Lowery. I believe he was an Acting Lieutenant when he made the jump to Fire Commissioner. Now that’s a big jump up!
But not as big as Tommy Van Esson going from Firefighter to FC!🤔