Dispatchers 3rd alarm....?

Nov 20, 2007
I hear  sometimes on various audio clips when a Chief calls for a 2nd alarm(for example) when they dispatch it they say "dispatches 3rd" transmitted for 2nd alarm for fire at......  What is the readon for this?
Jul 19, 2007
Battalion4 said:
when they dispatch it they say "dispatches 3rd" transmitted for 2nd alarm for fire at......  What is the readon for this?

If most of the units assigned to respond on the 2nd are unavailable to be part of the standard 2nd alarm assignment, rather then individually "special call" multiple units to fill out the 2nd, it is sometimes easier just to dump the 3rd.  (Same or similar net result, including relocations, plus faster dispatch).

The higher alarm will be denominated a "dispatcher's third alarm" (in this case) to signify to the wide listening audience (official and unofficial) that the job is really just a deuce and not a more significant fire incident.  (Keeps away all the wild eyed buffs and nosey brass  ;)  )