Engine 16 and Ladder 7 throughout the years

From the Main Menu of this website, select History, FDNY, Houses/Stations, FDNY and NYC fire houses and fire companies - 2nd section and go to page 31 to see a detailed history of E16 and L7 as accumulated by Mack.
As a kid I recall my dad telling me about driving the Ahrens-Fox that 16 had and having to crane his neck to see around the vacuum ball on the front of the rig. What made it more interesting was the el pillars on the avenues.
What is a vacuum ball?
A tad off the subject, 16 had an upright piano on the third floor. How they got it up there is anyone's guess. Also a billiard table was in the front room of the third floor. The members fashioned 2 drop down wood doors to fit around the slide pole while they were playing. Seems that a billiard ball or two went off the table, down the pole hole and bounced through the glass of the company office. Ooops!
I remember one day tour I was detailed to 7 truck maybe 1969 or 1970 and they had a wooden spare. Here I am riding in Manhattan on an old ladder that I remember from my father’s company when I was about 5 or 6 some 20 years ago.

Another day I was detailed to E 16 and as I was leaving and the end it the tour, the incoming covering Lt was holding the roll call with just his white hat on and nothing else. As would have it, the house watch opened the apparatus door exposing his butt to all on 29th street. He is well known and is still alive, Butt shall remain unnamed.
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