Engine Co.232 Disbanded

Sep 5, 2007
Is there any true to the stories we here around the firehouse as to the closing of Engine 232.

1. They closed the company on Superbowl sunday?

2. They called E232 to HQ and took their Engine while the company was inside HQ.

Just rumors I guess but would like to know the real story.

Also How much tension was there between Ladder 176 and Engine 233 when they were put together on Rockaway Blvd.
If I remember correctly they were relocated on Super Sunday night and then when sent back to quarters told to get personal stuff and given assignments for other companies. 232 was closed and padlocked. I think the relocation was false, just a way to get company out so house could be closed. Not sure if Marshals were used to lock guys out.Maybe someone from Brooklyn can add.
mac8146 said:
If I remember correctly they were relocated on Super Sunday night and then when sent back to quarters told to get personal stuff and given assignments for other companies. 232 was closed and padlocked. I think the relocation was false, just a way to get company out so house could be closed. Not sure if Marshals were used to lock guys out.Maybe someone from Brooklyn can add.

From what I have heard, they either got sent on a run or was relocated. Upon return to quarters they were told they were disbanded with the firehouse being locked up and the marshals there. Supposedly it was done this way because when a few companies (one of them was E-212) were disbanded years prior, the locals got word of the closing and stormed the firehouse and took over the house and apparatus. Hence the name the people's firehouse. 
Thanks to Mayor Koch it was done this way. NYPD was also there with the marshals and the rest is history.
I believe they were sent on a relocation to E232. Homer Bishop had a hand in this.