F.D.N.Y. Company Patches

Mar 3, 2007
To All,

Kind of a History/Trivia question:

What is your favorite Company Patch?

Mine is L-132 "In The Eye Of The Storm"

Take care and stay safe

Engine 248's says it all: "The Heart of Flatbush".    E255/L157 isn't bad: "The Jolly Rogers".  And ya godda like Ladder 147: "Da Pride A Flatbush".
Mine is E274 - The Murray Hill Hose Company  (the new patch)

The old one was "The Orient Express"  I am told that it was not politically correct.  Anyway I like the new one better.
E34/L21 "Hells Kitchen", followed by E245/L161 "The Best Rides in Coney Island"!!!!!!!!
Got to say i like the Eng 65 patch and also the Eng 14 patch.  To many to choose from i started collecting the patches about 3 years ago got over 300 now.  Wife not happy LOL.
Engine 82's steal your face patch (brings me back to my deadhead days)  ;D