Favorite Fire House

Most of the pre-Walker houses are beautiful. Walkers are blah, but have/had nice touches like woodwork, marble/granite bathrooms, solid wooden doors with brass knobs, tile walls. The work was still done by craftsmen. It's been downhill since then. Recent new constructions are Modernist/"green design" horrors. The themes parallel classical art vs. modern art.
Look up "Brutalism" if you're bored.
Most of the pre-Walker houses are beautiful. Walkers are blah, but have/had nice touches like woodwork, marble/granite bathrooms, solid wooden doors with brass knobs, tile walls. The work was still done by craftsmen. It's been downhill since then. Recent new constructions are Modernist/"green design" horrors. The themes parallel classical art vs. modern art.
Look up "Brutalism" if you're bored.
So right all the new firehouses aesthetically look horrible no character? Dnt know if that sounds right but u know what I mean. Shame, can do green but still do classic. These firehouses with their craftsmanship can be turned green enough for the City. But we all know the games played at city hall.
Architecturally speaking: #1. Former quarters of E31 @87 Lafayette St.; #2. E33/TL9; #3. E67 (which is a 1/2 sized version of E33/TL9); #4. E284/TL149 aka: "The Castle on the Hill"; #5. E7/TL1 aka: "Duane Manor"; #6. The other 3 bay houses built around 1913: E91/L43, and E93/TL45; E264/E328/L134.
I saw this topic posted back in 2009, thought it would be Interesting to post it again with all the new members and hopefully get some more replies. There are quite a few fire houses in the city that are just amazing looking. What is your favorite fire house? Not based on company, The members who work there, the amount of fire duty, etc. etc. etc. strictly based on the architect or the fire house itself which one is your favorite in the city?
it is a shame what the city does to these old beautiful firehouses when they "renovate" them. you come back after a year and the wooden floors are covered with a rubber floor, the solid heavy wooden doors are gone and replaced with metal ones, the windows are changed out , the bathroom granite walls gone, housewatch torn out, tin ceiling ripped out, dropped ceilings with white lights out in, old radiators gone, pole holes closed up, horrible brown/tan paint, the old woodwork gone! senior men need to watch these guys when they start renovating house. horrible workmanship. E35/L14 is a diamond in the rough.
The new fire houses may not look very nice but they all include a work of art, a tradition started to keep starving artists
working. The new "house of pain" has sheetrock buckets around the floors to contain all of the building leaks.
Only NYC would allow a new to building to leak in that manner.
^^^^^Yes "incorporating" a piece of so called artwork has been mandatory in all newly constructed NYC municipal blogs since around the mid eighties...the allocated price tag for each piece was a million dollars back then...not sure what amount is being wasted on them today but probably that much at least....some are very odd & some are outright ridiculous....332/175 has half a Maltese Cross cast in stone on the front of the FH at eye level along side the HW window....if you were not aware of the mandatory "art" thing you might think the window was mistakenly placed afterwards cutting the Maltese Cross in half....on the roof of the NYPD 107 Pct on the corner of Parsons Blvd & 71 Ave is a very large steel sculpture. https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x89c260f62408c29b:0xf8a87c4a822cc146!3m1!7e115!4shttps://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipN9SNa8injReADXvowfT8BTmuMHVbbVUFDkZxiZ=w480-h320-k-no!5sNYPD 107 POLICE PRECINCT - Google Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipN9SNa8injReADXvowfT8BTmuMHVbbVUFDkZxiZ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjl4fOywsTuAhVwRjABHVvKAVQQoiowEHoECBQQAw ....when people ask the PD what it is they tell them it is a worldwide Lojack receiving antenna....one of the more subtle looking ones is on the front of 326/160 above the entrance door / HW window composed of a flat panel of colored tiles depicting Firefighting https://www.firedepartment.net/dire...-ladder-160-battalion-53-purple-k-326-queens-
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The building used to be a work of art, now it's art on an ugly building with a garage door.
In terms of exterior looks that I've been to I'd go with

33/9, Eng 55, 8Truck, Sq 41, 94/38/3

In terms of actual visits I'd go with

3 Truck, Sq41, 94/38/3, 88/38, 108 Truck, 281/147, 248/41, R2 (Bergen St), 271/124/28, Sq270, Sq288 / HM1, R4
In terms of exterior looks that I've been to I'd go with

33/9, Eng 55, 8Truck, Sq 41, 94/38/3

In terms of actual visits I'd go with

3 Truck, Sq41, 94/38/3, 88/38, 108 Truck, 281/147, 248/41, R2 (Bergen St), 271/124/28, Sq270, Sq288 / HM1, R4
Some good choices.
^^^^^Yes "incorporating" a piece of so called artwork has been mandatory in all newly constructed NYC municipal blogs since around the mid eighties...the allocated price tag for each piece was a million dollars back then...not sure what amount is being wasted on them today but probably that much at least....some are very odd & some are outright ridiculous....332/175 has half a Maltese Cross cast in stone on the front of the FH at eye level along side the HW window....if you were not aware of the mandatory "art" thing you might think the window was mistakenly placed afterwards cutting the Maltese Cross in half....on the roof of the NYPD 107 Pct on the corner of Parsons Blvd & 71 Ave is a very large steel sculpture. https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x89c260f62408c29b:0xf8a87c4a822cc146!3m1!7e115!4shttps://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipN9SNa8injReADXvowfT8BTmuMHVbbVUFDkZxiZ=w480-h320-k-no!5sNYPD 107 POLICE PRECINCT - Google Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipN9SNa8injReADXvowfT8BTmuMHVbbVUFDkZxiZ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjl4fOywsTuAhVwRjABHVvKAVQQoiowEHoECBQQAw ....when people ask the PD what it is they tell them it is a worldwide Lojack receiving antenna....one of the more subtle looking ones is on the front of 326/160 above the entrance door / HW window composed of a flat panel of colored tiles depicting Firefighting https://www.firedepartment.net/dire...-ladder-160-battalion-53-purple-k-326-queens-
So called art in administration's eyes.
^^^^^Yes "incorporating" a piece of so called artwork has been mandatory in all newly constructed NYC municipal blogs since around the mid eighties...the allocated price tag for each piece was a million dollars back then...not sure what amount is being wasted on them today but probably that much at least....some are very odd & some are outright ridiculous....332/175 has half a Maltese Cross cast in stone on the front of the FH at eye level along side the HW window....if you were not aware of the mandatory "art" thing you might think the window was mistakenly placed afterwards cutting the Maltese Cross in half....on the roof of the NYPD 107 Pct on the corner of Parsons Blvd & 71 Ave is a very large steel sculpture. https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x89c260f62408c29b:0xf8a87c4a822cc146!3m1!7e115!4shttps://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipN9SNa8injReADXvowfT8BTmuMHVbbVUFDkZxiZ=w480-h320-k-no!5sNYPD 107 POLICE PRECINCT - Google Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipN9SNa8injReADXvowfT8BTmuMHVbbVUFDkZxiZ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjl4fOywsTuAhVwRjABHVvKAVQQoiowEHoECBQQAw ....when people ask the PD what it is they tell them it is a worldwide Lojack receiving antenna....one of the more subtle looking ones is on the front of 326/160 above the entrance door / HW window composed of a flat panel of colored tiles depicting Firefighting https://www.firedepartment.net/dire...-ladder-160-battalion-53-purple-k-326-queens-

Not just FDNY Chief. Boston has same artwork requirement. A new firehouse is in progress for Engine 42, Rescue 3, District 9. Cost $23.5M. The art initiative is:

The City of Boston is commissioning an artist to create a piece of permanent public art to complement the construction of the Engine 42 fire station. This project has a budget of $300,000, and is funded by the City's Percent for Art program, which commissions one percent of the City's capital borrowing for the creation of public art. $13.4 million has been allocated to this program over the next five years. The artwork at Engine 42 will be a site-specific, impactful, focal design feature that aims to enrich the connection between the Boston Fire Department and the surrounding Egleston and Roxbury communities. The City is currently in the contracting phase with the artist, and will announce who was selected soon.


Celebration of groundbreaking of first new firehouse in 30 years | Boston.gov

Firehouse being replaced: Engine 42/Rescue 2 @ 1870 Columbus Ave., Roxbury - Boston Fire Historical Society (bostonfirehistory.org)