FDNY and NYC Firehouses and Fire Companies

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lucky said:
The Queens Boro Command is now in one of the old homes at Fort Totten.

Thanks Lucky. The QBC sure gets around. Anyway, I forgot to mention that Fire Communications (Street Linemen) were in 272's old house when they were disbanded. Now, here is the trivia question....from what defunct house within the confines of the 52 Bn. did the "linemen" move from in order to go to 38th Ave? Hint..the building has long been demolished.
memory master said:
lucky said:
The Queens Boro Command is now in one of the old homes at Fort Totten.

Thanks Lucky. The QBC sure gets around. Anyway, I forgot to mention that Fire Communications (Street Linemen) were in 272's old house when they were disbanded. Now, here is the trivia question....from what defunct house within the confines of the 52 Bn. did the "linemen" move from in order to go to 38th Ave? Hint..the building has long been demolished.

Engine 296's old firehouse?
Mack, somehow, without a doubt I knew you would get it. Yes, E296 on 125 street in College Point. The most dilapidated building you ever wanted to see. After 296 was disbanded the "linemen" moved in and stayed until 272's place was vacant.
Memorymaster - this is what I could find on the 125th St firehouse and the companies stationed there:

Hose 8 (FDNY)/Ladder 130 (established as Ladder 80 FDNY)/CEC 130 FDNY/Engine 296 FDNY- quarters - 18-18 125th St College Point, Queens  - original firehouse of Eagle H&L Company 1 College Point Fire Dept 1854-1908

    FDNY Hose 8 1908-1818
    FDNY Ladder 130 (originally Ladder 80) 1908-1931
    FDNY Engine 296 1918-1961 (disbanded)
    * FDNY CEC 130 (dates unknown)

Firehouse prior to FDNY transition:

College Point FD engine or hose responding:

College Point Fire Department had 3 engine companies and 1 ladder company when converted to FDNY in 1908:
    Engines - Touchdown Steamer (unknown location); Union Hose (16th St);  Enterprise Hose 2 (518 5th St); 
    Ladder - Eagle H&L 1 (18-18 125th St)

In 1908, the 52nd Bn was formed with Engines 172 (E 272), 173 (E 273), 174 (E 274); Hose Companies 8 (E 296) and 9 (E 297); and H&L Companies 79 (L 129) and 80 (L 130).  All companies were organized in former volunteer company firehouses.

In 1918, the 125th St firehouse was rebuilt for Engine 296.

1873 interactive map of College Point (note different street numbering): http://www.geographicus.com/P/AntiqueMap/CollegePoint-beers-1873

1897 Brooklyn Daily Eagle Almanac of all Long Island Fire Companies (includes sections of Queens befor incorportation into NYC):

Thanks Mack. As a side note, During Easter vacation in 1960 a friend and I were scoping out the swamp area down at 23rd Avenue & Linden Place, just across from "Speed's" airport when we came across a length of 2 1/2" hose. My dad had always told me that the company number was stamped onto the butts of the length. We went back to his home and got a "radio flyer" wagon, back to the swamp, rolled it up and hauled it to 296. The officer was elated and gave us a dollar apiece! Wow, we were rich and off to the candy store for an egg cream we went. And then we each still had 85 cents left over!
Engine 318/Ladder 166/also Engine 245 - firehouse 2510 Neptune Avenue  Coney Island

    Engine 318 organized 2510 Neptune Avenue w/Ladder 166            1929

    Ladder 166 organized 2510 Neptune Avenue w/Engine 318            1929

    Engine 245 relocated to 2510 Neptune Avenue at Engine 318      1968-1971

Engine 318 and Ladder 166 are assigned to Battalion 43, 8th Division.

Dedication November 1, 1929:

2510 Neptune Avenue firehouse::

Engine 318:

Ladder 166:

Coney Island fires post 1929:
? 1932: Boardwalk and Surf Avenue. This fire, considered the worst in Coney Island?s history, consumed 100 feet of the Boardwalk and destroyed apartment buildings and bathhouses along Surf Avenue between W. 21st and W.24th streets. The fire was so extensive that it burned a house on Neptune Avenue and scorched several nearby subway cars. More than 1,000 people were left homeless, and thousands more were left naked and dripping on the beach after abandoning their clothes as they ran out of the burning bathhouses. The cause - kids playing with matches.

? 1944: Luna Park. The fire that destroyed most of the first Luna Park may have been caused by a cigarette thrown into a trash can. Flames quickly spread across the straw roofs covering several rides, then reached the park?s tower, which began spewing embers. Another fire wiped out what was left of the park a few weeks later.

? 1963: Ravenhall bathhouses. A mid-winter electrical fire in one of the arcade consumed the Ravenhall.

? 2010: Coney Island Arcade. Roofers illegally using propane torches for the fire that gutted Manny Cohen?s funhouse on W. 12th Street in 2010.


FDNY Ladder 166 and Engine 318 running out Code 3

Coney Island high pressure water system:
Coney Island had one of the city's high pressure water systems.  The pumping station was at Neptune Avenue and W 12th St.  Upon receipt of alarm, a switch was thrown manually at the pumping station to increase the water pressure to 300 psi.  Lines could be stretched from high pressure hydrants and operated directly into fire buildings.  The Coney Island system was active until 1979.

Pumping station built 1938:

Coney Island "Stubbie" high pressure hydrant:

Mermaid Avenue 1970s:
High fire volume 1970s.

Sea Gate, Coney Island:
Engine 318 and Ladder 166 are first due into Sea Gate, a private, gated community located at the far western end of Coney Island in Brooklyn. It consists mostly of large, single family houses, some directly on Gravesend Bay. The area is regularly patrolled by the Sea Gate Police Department, though the NYPD has jurisdiction over it. The New York City Police Department takes command when a serious incident occurs, but otherwise, stays out of the neighborhood entirely.


Engine 318/Ladder 166

2009 fire - Totonno's Pizza

BOX 3552, 1524 NEPTUNE AVE., BROOKLYN, DIV. 8 , 2nd ALARM AT 9:37  (Reply #1 on: March 14, 2009, 10:36:58 PM)

Box  3552

address:              1524  Neptune  Ave.

between:            West  15th  St.    x    West  16th  St.

3552  @  08:45

Engs.  245,  318,  253

T. Lad.  161,  Lad.  166

Batt.  43

10 ? 75 ? 3552  @  08:50

Ladder  169  is  designated  as  the  ?FAST?  Truck

Eng.  246

Rescue Co. #5

Squad  Co.  #1

Batt.  42

Division  8

Fire  Building:

1  Story  Brick  20 x 60  Taxpayer

All ? Hands:

7 ? 5 ? 3552  @  09:24

Batt.  43  reports:    Using  All ? Hands.    Fire  in  the  rear  kitchen  and  fire  in  the  walls

of  a  1  Story  Taxpayer  used  as  a  restaurant.      2 ? lines  stretched,    1 ? line  in  operation.

Trucks  are  ?Opening  Up?      Primary  Searches  are  negative.      Fire?s  Doubtful.

@  09:37

?Division  8  to  Brooklyn,    Transmit  a  2nd  Alarm.  We  have  fire  extension  into  the  cockloft.

Special  Call  ( 2 )  additional  Battalion  Chiefs.  1st  Chief  in  is  going  to  work  fire  duty.?

2nd Alarm:

2 ? 2 ? 3552  @  09:37

Engs.  281 act. 254,  243,  330,  276

T. Lad.  153,    Lad.  168

Eng.  284  w /  Satellite  3

Batt.  33    assigned  to  work

Batt.  48  ?Resource  Unit  Leader?

Batt.  41  s/c  ?Safety  Officer?

Batt.  32  s/c  add  Chief

Rescue  Battalion  /  Safety  Battalion

Fieldcom  1  /  Tactical  Support  Unit #2

Command  Tactical  Unit

Car  10:    Assist.  Chief  James  Esposito 

@  10:04

Car  10:    Assist.  Chief  Esposito  reports:    2 ? lines  stretched  and  in  operation.    1 ? line  into  the

1st  floor,    1 ? line  to  the  roof.    Continuing  to  ?Open  Up?      All  Searches  are  complete  and

negative.      Fire  is  Probably  Will  Hold.

@  10:35

Fieldcom  1:    Progress  Report  for  the  2nd Alarm,  Box  3552,  Division  8  reports:

Fire  was  in  a  1  Story  Taxpayer  20 x 60  with  extension  into  the  Cockloft.    Fire  is  UnderControl.

(  Job  Duration:    1 hr.  /  50 mins. )
Thanks GMan

Totonno's Pizzaria - after fire and Sandy:

"Totonno's is a pizzeria located at 1524 Neptune Avenue (between West 15th Street and West 16th Street) in Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York. It was established by Antonio "Totonno" Pero.

He was an employee at the Lombardi's pizzeria on Spring Street in New York's Little Italy that was established in 1905 when he began selling tomato pies cooked in a coal oven and wrapped in paper and tied with a string. In 1924, Totonno left Lombardi's to open his own pizzeria on Coney Island called Totonno's. It is owned by Louise Ciminieri and known for its lines out the door, longevity, and delicious food. Pero can be seen in a photograph with Lombardi, whose employ he left in 1924, "shortly after the subway started running out to the hinterlands of Coney Island, and opened his own place there".

Totonno's pizza has been made the same way since 1924 "along with its Brooklyn pizza brethren Di Fara Pizza, Grimaldi's and Franny's", and "is considered among the best in the country by people who have dedicated their lives to the subject". James Oseland, editor-in-chief of Saveur magazine, attributes a "quintessential New York City flavor profile" to Totonno's.

Totonno's is one af a handful of pizzerias that use a coal fired brick oven, which gives the pizza a flavor that can not be duplicated. New coal ovens do not pass current environmental laws in New York, and the old ovens are grandfathered in as long as the business remains open.

The original location was damaged by fire in 2009, but reopened. In October 2012, Totonno's was among several landmark New York restaurants devastated by Hurricane Sandy. Although they had planned to open by the end of the year, they re-opened in mid-January 2013."



Engine 65 also Battalion 8, Rescue 1, Engine 8 -  firehouse - 33 W 43rd Street  Midtown, Manhattan

    Engine 65 organized new firehouse 33 W 43rd St                              1898
    Engine 65 relocated to 220 W 37th St at Engine 26                            2012-2013
    Engine 65 returned to 33 W 43rd St                                                    2013

    Battalion 8 located at 33 W 43rd St at Engine 65                                1957-1960

    Rescue 1 located at 33 W 43rd St at Engine 65                                  1960-1973

    Engine 8 relocated to 33 W 43rd St at Engine 65                                2005

    Canteen Field Kitchen Unit 94 located at 33 W 43rd St at Engine 65  1948-1958

    Thanks FDhistorian, Johnd248, Gman, 68jk09, InTotheJob, HCO

Engine 65 1927 Ahrens Fox:

Engine 65 1936 hose wagon:

Engine 65 War Years 1942 auxiliaries:

Engine 65:

Rescue 1:

Engine 65 responding:




Midtown Manhattan:

Engine 65 history - 100 years in service:


Electrical fire in quarters:


How did E65 R1 and BN8 all fit in that firehouse at the same time? Looks like it would have been very tight.
I buffed at E65 from 1967-68 and don't remember seeing BC8 there. Rescue 1 was parked behind the 1954 Mack L (reg. #1099-ex-Eng. 10 & E83 Wagon).
In2theJob said:
How did E65 R1 and BN8 all fit in that firehouse at the same time? Looks like it would have been very tight.

You and GMan are right - Bn 8 was at Engine 65 1957-1960.  Typo - my error - thanks guys.
A good early '60s NBC TV show later captured on video was made about RES*1 when they were in  qtrs w/ENG*65 ...shots include a response to Box 164 when R*1 FF John Farragher RIP died LOD & the subsequent search & recovery operations & also shots inside qtrs & a few Midtown responses ....i have a bad copy of the show ....maybe someone can help getting this piece of FDNY history on line.
Don't forget in their timeline, E 65 relocated to E 26 while their house was being renovated.  Not sure of the exact dates; 2012 or 2013?
Engine 65 was with Engine 26 from April until December 2012.

Then they had a fire in quarters on March 12, 2013. 

Does anyone know if they relocated because of that fire, to where and for how long?
Also just noticed that Engine 8 moved in with Engine 65 in October 2005.  Ladder 2 and Battalion 8 went to Engine 21.  The companies were moved for a year.  What caused those moves?
fdhistorian said:
Also just noticed that Engine 8 moved in with Engine 65 in October 2005.  Ladder 2 and Battalion 8 went to Engine 21.  The companies were moved for a year.  What caused those moves?
  Work (renovation or repair) being done on the firehouse. ;)
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